New Student Registration: Health


The Health Program offers two 3-credit courses at the 100-level:
  • HLTH 111 – Fundamentals of Health I
  • HLTH 112 – Fundamentals of Health II

These courses are required first-year courses for all students in the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health, and are restricted to students in that program.

HLTH 111 and 112 are prerequisites for all other Health courses in the program.

Course Descriptions

111   Fundamentals of Health I
This course provides an introduction to perspectives of health from a range of arts and science disciplines. Emphasis is on how health, wellness, illness, and disability have been conceptualized and constructed. Students will compare and contrast social and medical models of health across different historical periods, societies and cultures. Tutorials will develop applied skills for university success in health studies. Three credits.

112  Fundamentals of Health II
This course builds on HLTH 111, challenging students to consider systematic variations in the distribution of health, health equity, and social justice among individuals, groups, populations, and societies. Various biological determinants that underpin health, illness, disease, pain, and defect are examined. Various explanations of social determinants that affect health, well-being, illness, and disability are a focus. The relevance of determinants of health in the global context is introduced. Three credits.

Please refer to Section 9.20 Health in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Health program webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5