Student Testimonials

Recent Co-op Testimonials

"My co-op work term transformed my skills, deepened my industry knowledge, and solidified my passion for the field. I'm now even more motivated to pursue a successful career in the financial industry and make a meaningful impact. This experience has surpassed my expectations, and I'm grateful for the support of my university and the amazing team at work.  I'm excited to utilize these experiences in my future endeavors."

- MACS Co-op Student

"If I had to capture my co-op experience in three words, they would be enriching, interesting, and fun!  Enriching because co-op really enriched my university experience. I learned so many things during my work terms that I would have never learned in the classroom. Interesting because I saw so many different things that I was fascinated in while on my work terms. Finally, I picked fun because I had a lot of fun doing the co-op program. I made many new friends, and I was always happy to go to work in the morning. Joining the Co-operative Education Program was a good decision because I gained valuable work experience and skills while getting paid and having fun. If I could do it all again, I would!"

- Co-op Senior BBA, COOP 405 Paper



Co-operative Education

189 Gerald Schwartz School of Business
3090 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5