Direct Funding and Health Equity in Dementia Care: Evaluating a New Direction in Service Delivery
Project Info
Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Health Services & Policy Research
Program: Quadruple Aim and Health Equity for All Catalyst Grant
Partners: Nova Scotia Department of Seniors and Long Term Care & Nova Scotia Health-Continuing Care
NPI: Dr. Katie Aubrecht
Co-PI: Dr. Christine Kelly
Co-Is: Embrett, M., Hadfield, K., Hallstrom, L., Hamilton-Hinch, B., Johnson, S., Lawrence, L., MacDonald, M., Mah, J., Marier, P., Moody, E., Pertl, M., & Sim, M.
Project Staff, Students and Trainees: Knocton, S., Reid-Musson, E., & Hancock, A.
Summary: This project examines how Nova Scotia's Supportive Care Program for people living with dementia addresses the Quintuple Aim of enhancing client experience, improving population health, reducing costs, improving the work life of providers, and supporting health equity for all.
Knowledge Translation and Mobilization (Staff, Students and Trainees Underlined)
- Demand and Supply of Long Term Care Services: New Perspectives from Economics, Sociology and Political Sciences. Concordia University, Universite du Quebec a Montreal & CIRANO.
- Alzheimer Society Nova Scotia Panel: "Hype vs Hope in Dementia Research." Halifax Central Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia. January 30, 2024. (Recording)
- Associated Media:
- Aubrecht, K., Kelly, C., & Knocton, S. (Accepted, June 2024). Cognitive ableism in supportive community care for people with dementia. Oral presentation at the Canadian Association on Gerontology annual conference. McGill University, Montreal, QC.
- Knocton, S., Aubrecht, K., & Reid-Musson, E. (2023). Understanding the applicability of the Quintuple Aim in health services and policy research on dementia. Poster presentation at the Canadian Association on Gerontology annual conference. Hilton Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Aubrecht, K., Reid-Musson, E., & Knocton, S. (2023). Justice and inclusion for people living with dementia through the lens of neurodiversity: A theoretical commentary. Oral presentation at the Canadian Association on Gerontology annual conference. Hilton Toronto, Toronto, ON.
- Knocton, S., Reid-Musson, E., & Aubrecht, K. (2023). The state of knowledge on health equity in health system improvement for community-based dementia care. Poster presentation at Northwood Care Research Symposium. Atlantica Hotel, Halifax, NS.
- Reid-Musson, E., Knocton, S., Hancock, A., Kelly, C., Lukindo, M., Hamilton-Hinch, B., & Aubrecht, K. (2023). Equity in home care. Poster presentation at Northwood Care Research Symposium. Atlantica Hotel, Halifax, NS.
- Reid-Musson, E., Aubrecht, K., Kelly, C., Embrett, M.G., Johnson, S., Macdonald, M., & Sim, M. (2023). Conditions of homecare workers’ (in)visibility in Nova Scotia: Insights from a sociology of dementia. Oral presentation at Canadian Sociological Association, York University, Toronto, ON.
- Hancock, A. & Aubrecht, K. (2023). Accessing equity in continuing care: The eligibility dilemma. Poster presentation at Student Research Day, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS.
- Reid-Musson, E., Aubrecht, K., Kelly, C., Embrett, M., Hallstrom, L., Hamilton-Hinch, B., Johnson, S., Knocton, S., Lawrence, L., MacDonald, M., Mah, J., Marier, P., Moody, E., & Sim, M. (2023). Participatory evaluation of a direct payment program for equity in dementia care in Nova Scotia, Canada. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22.
- Reid-Musson, E., Aubrecht, K., Knocton, S., & Kelly, C. (2023, October 24). Scoping review on dementia-specific Individualized funding for home care.

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Antigonish NS B2G 2W5