StFX - MyCampus


StFX Distinguished Speaker Series: Canada-US Relations (Watch Live)
Promotional graphic for Distinguished Speakers Series - Canada-US Relations

Please join us in the Joyce Family Atrium, Mulroney Hall, 12:45 - 2:30 PM.

In January, Donald Trump took control of the Oval Office, creating controversy and chaos as he pushes ahead with his America-first agenda.

On Monday, March 31, StFX will be presenting its Distinguished Speaker Series, live, from Toronto.

This event, titled Canada and U.S. Relations - Navigating Chaos, Threats and Disruption from the White House, will be moderated by the Mulroney Institute's Dr. Asa McKercher, the Steven K. Hudson Research Chair in Canada-U.S. Relations, and feature insights from panelists:

  • The Honourable Frank McKenna, StFX Class of 1970
  • The Honourable Lisa Raitt, StFX Class of 1989
  • The Honourable Seamus O'Regan, StFX Class of 1992

Please join us in the Joyce Family Atrium, Mulroney Hall, 12:45 - 2:30 PM for this special viewing.

P3 Parking Notice
P3 parking area - Dahdaleh Hall site

Please note that faculty, staff, and students currently parking in the P3 area, highlighted in red below, are requested to relocate to alternate parking by Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Site fencing will begin on Monday, March 31, 2025, and equipment will be positioned in the designated laydown area shown in the sketch below. Overnight parking will be shifted as well, indicated in the sketch below.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation with this matter. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

StFX Store - Closed for Inventory
Calendar with StFX store closure and opening dates

The Stfx Store and X-Ring Store will close to complete the year-end inventory. Please see below for important dates.

  • Store Open: March 27-29; April 3-5
  • Store Closed: March 31-April 2
  • Website Closed: March 29-April 3
Call for Student Papers: Policy+, An Interdisciplinary Student Journal
Policy+ Call for Papers Poster


Policy+ is looking for submissions (papers and op-eds) for its next issue! If you are a student or have students who may be interested in publishing their work, please contact See submission guidelines for more information.

Policy+ is an undergraduate peer-reviewed journal published by the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government at StFX. The journal covers a wide array of interdisciplinary topics surrounding public policy and governance at the local, provincial, federal, and international level. Check out the inaugural issue here.

Submission deadline is April 30, 2025.