Promoting the exercise of rights and civil liberties through Responsible Human Development, along
side populations that live in poverty and social exclusion.

Peru is a middle country in South America. After their internal war (between 1980-2009) the majority of the victims (Quechua Speakers and indigenous from the Andes and the Jungle of Peru) stayed poor and excluded from the development of the country.
Nexos Comunitarios has been created to accompany those communities, in their own development processes. Nexos Comunitarios' mission is to promote the exercise of rights and civil liberties through Responsible Human Development, alongside populations that live in poverty and social exclusion.
Their development model includes three different steps (Health, Education, and Economic Empowerment) with the promotion of Human rights and Interculturality.
Travel Dates: END OF TERM, April-May
This Immersion Learning Service experience is hosted by Nexos Comunitarios, whose representatives plan the service placements and educational - cultural field programs. Participant activities focus on community health and development, in rural and urban impoverished areas.
Nexos Comunitarios develops the majority of its projects in the Andes of Peru (Cuncani and Choquecancha, mainly), where students visit remote areas in higher altitudes, or in urban fringe communities.
Participants fly from Halifax and are met in Lima by representatives from Nexos Comunitarios, and later fly on to Cusco. During the week, the group travels together using mini-bus transportation.
The group stays in modest hostel accommodations, and at a community center/school if in remote Andean communities. All meals are provided.
The focus of all activities during the week is to support healthy sustainable community development. Participants gain first-hand experience of what life is like for remote or under-serviced urban sttlements or rural villages in the Andes. The group assists in ongoing initiatives that may include women's business initiatives, promoting health education and healthy development, sustainable home projects, and participatory action research.
Immersion participants do not need to speak Spanish as a translator accompanies the group.

Nexos Comunitarios, is a dPeruvian non-profit civil association, formed by a group of citizens, professionals, committed to education and reducing poverty in isolated communities within Peru; and in promoting a better understanding and true respect between different societies and cultures (nationally and internationally).
Visit the NEXOS Blog
Information about Peru provided by:

373 Coady International Institute
4780 Tompkins Lane
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5