We are thankful for the ability to gather safely as a faith community at the StFX Chapel.
Mass is held every Sunday at 11am. Between September and April, you are also more than welcome to attend the 5 pm Mass, as the students would be happy to celebrate and share with our wonderful alumni and community.
The Chapel is open from 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM for anyone who wants to pray, think or just have some quiet time. Reflecting the Roman Catholic heritage and character of StFX, the Chapel is also a place where the sacraments are celebrated, including daily Mass. These celebrations are public events, open to all.
The Chapel is also the site of ecumenical and interfaith celebrations throughout the year.
Services and prayer led by people of various faith traditions are available too, both on campus and throughout Antigonish. For more details see Worship in Antigonish.

306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5