Memberships and Facility Rentals

Check out our Membership and Facility Rental Options!

We offer a variety of membership options for all of your recreation needs. All membership options include access to changerooms (sauna, showers, and day-use lockers). We also offer Facility Rental options for the Amelia Saputo Centre, Keating Centre, and the Alumni Aquatic Centre.

*Rates do not include HST
*Family - Refers to the member, domestic partner, and their dependents living in the same household
*Visiting Student - Refers to Graduate students working on Masters or PhD programs from another university or exchange students

Deluxe Membership

A StFX Deluxe Membership includes:

  • Access to ALL recreational facilities: Fitness Centre, Alumni Aquatic Centre, Gymnasium, and Indoor & Outdoor Track
  • Access to Drop-In Classes: Group Fitness Classes, AquaFit, and Drop-In Skates
  • Access to equipment: Balls, Racquets, Nets, Skates
  • 20% discount on registered programs
  • 2 Day Passes to give away
  • Towel Service
Deluxe MembershipAnnual4-Month1-Month
Family $750.00 $375.00 $93.75
Adult $640.00 $320.00 $80.00
StFX Faculty/Staff/Visiting Student $320.00 $160.00 $40.00
Senior (60+) $512.00 $256.00 $64.00
Youth (18 & Under) $448.00 $224.00 $56.00

Fitness Centre Memberships

A StFX Fitness Centre Membership includes:

  • Access to Fitness Centre and Drop-In Group Fitness Classes
  • 20% discount on Fee-Based Programs and Personal Training Services
  • One Day Pass to give away
  • *Must be 15 years or older to have access to the Fitness Centre
  • *Mandatory orientation for members under 18 years old
  • **Visit for information on Drop-In Group Fitness Class rates, Personal Training Session rates, & Fee-Based Program rates.
Fitness Centre MembershipAnnual4-Month1-Month
Adult $496.00 $248.00 $62.00
StFX Faculty/Staff/Visiting Student $248.00 $124.00 $31.00
Senior (60+) $396.80 $198.40 $49.60
Youth (18 & Under) $347.20 $173.60 $43.40

Alumni Aquatic Centre Memberships

A StFX Alumni Aquatic Centre Membership includes:

Alumni Aquatic Centre MembershipsAnnual4-Month1-Month
Adult $250.00 $140.00 $35.00
StFX Faculty/Staff/Visiting Student $125.00 $70.00 $17.50
Senior (60+) $200.00 $102.00 $28.00
Youth (18 & Under) $175.00 $96.00 $24.00

Gymnasium Memberships

A StFX Gymnasium Membership includes:

  • Access to the AUX & Coach K Court Gymnasiums and the Indoor & Outdoor Track
  • Access to equipment: Balls, Racquets, Nets
  • 20% discount on registered programs
  • One Day Pass to give away
Gymnasium MembershipAnnual4-Month1-Month
Adult $292.00 $146.00 $36.50
StFX Faculty/Staff/Visiting Student $146.00 $73.00 $18.25
Senior (60+) $233.60 $116.80 $29.20
Youth (18 & Under) $204.40 $102.20 $25.55

Amelia Saputo Centre Facility Rental Rate

Hourly & Daily Rental RatesMain GymAUX GymBoth GymsDance StudioStadium TurfStadium Turf (w/ lights)Memorial FieldSoccer PitchClassroom
Prime Time (after 3pm Mon-Fri, Sat, Sun & Holidays) $121.74 $91.30 $152.18 $43.47 $104.35 $130.43 $65.22 $65.21 $30.43
Non-Prime (before 3pm Mon-Fri) $78.26 $65.21 $108.69 $30.43 $78.26 N/A $43.47 $43.47 $21.74
StFX Faculty/Staff/Student $60.87 $45.65 $76.09 $21.74 $52.18 $65.22 $32.61 $32.61 $15.22
Minor Sport $91.31 $68.48 $114.14 $32.60 $78.26 $97.82 $48.92 $48.91 $22.82
Daily Rates $973.92 $730.40 $1217.44            

Keating Centre Facility Rental Rates

Ice rates being September 1st, 2024 and stay in effect until August 31st, 2025. If requested, private bookings can receive a hospitality room included in their ice rental rate.

Hourly Ice Rental RatesHours ApplicableBase RateTotal $/Hour
Prime Time After 3pm (Mon-Fri) (Sat,Sun, & Holidays) $200.00 $230.00
Non-Prime Before 3pm (Mon-Fri) $160.87 $185.00
StFX Student All Hours $160.87 $185.00
Minor Sport Prime Time $173.91 $200.00
Minor Sport Non-Prime  $160.87 $185.00
Room Rental Rates



 HourlyHalf-DayFull DayHalf-DayFull Day
Conference Room (single) $30.00 $95.00 $125.00 $185.00 $275.00
Conference Room (double)     $200.00   $430.00
Conference Room (full)     $290.00   $640.00
Hospitality Room (single) $25.00 $55.00 $65.00 $80.00 $115.00
Hospitality Room (double)     $85.00   $140.00
Hospitality Room (full)     $105.00   $195.00
Executive Board Room $30.00 $85.00 $110.00 $105.00 $195.00
Main Arena (ice out)     $1500.00   $2000.00
Main Arena (ice in)     $2100.00   $2600.00
AUX Arena (ice out)     $1500.00   $2000.00
AUX Arena (ice in)     $2100.00   $2600.00


Recreation and Active Living

4130 University Ave
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5