Ping Zhou

Headshot of a woman

Ping Zhou

Campus Location
Annex Rm 10C

Research Interests: 
Rational approximation, including Padé approximation, is one of the main areas in Approximation Theory. The study of multivariate rational approximation is relatively new, partly because of the computational difficulties involved, and lends itself to experimentation with computer algebra packages. A main part of my research is to make as much of the study as systematic as possible, and to construct as many of the explicit multivariable Padé approximants as I can. There are many exciting mathematical and physical applications of these constructions that cover the spectrum from Number Theory to Signal Processing. Another main part of my research is to study various convergence problems of Fourier series and summability properties of some infinite series. The goal is to find the weakest conditions on the coefficients of the series so that the series is uniformly convergent (or summable), i.e. to find the largest group of uniformly convergent series of some type.

Areas of Research:
Analysis, Approximation Theory, Number Theory