Chris Gilham

Headshot of Chris Gilham

Chris Gilham

Associate Professor
Campus Location
Xavier Hall Rm 203
(902) 867-3764

Chris Gilham, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at St Francis Xavier University. Chris has been working in education for over 25 years. He taught grades 3 to 9 and was a school-board consultant. He enjoys working with others to create, implement and evaluate practical, school-based mental health programming for educators and students. Chris teaches courses on inclusion, mental health literacy, critical research literacy and the philosophy of education. He is now researching effective ways to increase the mental health literacy of educators (SSHRC).


Page, D., Gilham, C., & Hill, T. (2024). A survey of educator’s mental health literacy and well-being in Nova Scotia: Identifying patterns by location, training, and experience. School Mental Health.

Gilham, C., Hill, T. G., Coughlan, E., Page, D., Vukosa, C., Spridgeon, A., Wilkie, P., & Przewieda, K. (2023). Measurement and design in surveys of teachers’ mental health literacy: A scoping review. Healthy Populations Journal, 3(2).

Gilham, C., Green, M., Neville-MacLean, S., Ternoway, H., Bakody, N., Smith, D., & Augusta-Scot, T. (2023). GuysWork: Results from a gender-transformative healthy relationships program for adolescent boys. Psychology in the Schools.

Wei, Y., Gilham, C., & Kutcher, S. (2022). Evaluation of Know Before You Go using the Teacher’s Guide on students’ mental health literacy, life skills and sense of preparedness for life after high school. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.

Calcada, J., & Gilham, C. (2022). Biodanza and other dance interventions as a vehicle for social-emotional learning (SEL) in the primary classroom: A scoping review. Learning Landscapes.

Wei, Y., Kutcher, S., Austen, E., Comfort, A., Gilham, C., Macdougall, C., McKenna, G., McKinnon, M., Yeo, E., Thompson, K., Zhang, M., Baxter, A., & Matheson, K. (2022). The impact of transitions: A mental health literacy intervention with embedded life skills for post-secondary students. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.

Gilham, C., & Wei, Y. (2022). Field testing a campus preparation mental health resource for Grade 12 students: The implementation and evaluation of Know Before You Go in two rural high schools in Atlantic Canada. McGill Journal of Education.

Gilham, C., Neville-MacLean, S., & Atkinson, E. (2021). Effect of online modules on pre-service teacher mental health literacy and efficacy towards inclusive practices. Canadian Journal of Education.