Prayers for the Xaverian Family


The university chapel

Xaverian Prayer

Eternal, loving and compassionate God, as Xaverians, we seek wisdom and truth in our lives.
Inspire within our hearts a thirst for justice and a genuine desire to serve our neighbour in charity.
May all of our efforts build upon those of our atron, St. Francis Xavier, who, like our Lord, came to serve not to be served.
Bless our students, faculty, staff, and alumni so that together we may enable your light to shine rightly in our world.
May the teachings of your Son Jesus, lead us in the ways of "whatsoever things are true, noble, good and worthy of praise."
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Prayer to St. Francis Xavier

God our Creator,
You sent St. Francis Xavier
To make known your unbounded love
To the peoples of the East.
As we honour him today,
Grant us some part of his zeal for your glory,
His love for the poor,
And his constant fidelity to your call.
Let our lives bear fruit
In the spread of your Gospel
And the salvation of others.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.


A sculpture of St. Francis Xavier

St. Francis Xavier, pray for us!

A book - Prayers for the Xaverian Family

All students are entitled to a copy of Prayers for the Xaverian Family, which was originally published in 2003 to mark the 150th anniversary of the university's founding, and from which the two prayers above have been taken. Copies may be obtained from Chaplaincy at no charge.



306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5