Yvon Grenier

G. Reniery's photo

Yvon Grenier

Professor and Chair
Campus Location
Brian Mulroney Hall Rm 4067
(902) 867-3940

Latin American politics, Canadian Foreign Policy, and politics in the Atlantic Provinces


2023  "Opportunities to Promote Human Rights and Democracy Abroad: The Case of Canadian Foreign Policy Toward Cuba," American Review of Canadian Studies, 53, no.2 (2023), 204-217.

2023  “Culture, Identity and the State in Cuba,” Latin American Research Review 58, (1): 203-214.

2022  "Submission and the Possibility of Low-Intensity Totalitarianism in France,” in Decline and Submission:  Michel Houellebecq, The Cassandra of Freedom, Michael S. Kochin and Alberto Spektorowski eds. (Leiden: E. J. Brill), 85-104.

2021  “Fidel Castro’s ‘Words to Intellectuals’ at 60: Nothing to Celebrate,” Literal, Latin American Voices, July.

2021  "Opportunities to Promote Human Rights and Democratic Values Abroad: The Case of Canadian Foreign Policy Toward Venezuela," International Journal  76 (3): 446–464.

2021  “La política como ciencia y como tabúe,” Foro Cubano (Bogota) 4, no.29 (February).

2021  “Emergency and Opportunities: Canada and the Venezuela Crisis,” in External Powers in Latin America, Gian Luca Gardini and Gonzalo S. Paz eds., (Routledge), 91-105.

2021  "The Prophet of Dystopia at Rest: Margaret Atwood in Cuba," Quillette (July 2021); Spanish version, "La profeta de la dystopia en suspenso: Margaret Atwood en Cuba," Rialta, 5 July 2021.

2020  "Cuban Studies and The Siren Song of La Revolución," Cuban Studies 49: 310-329.

2019  “¿Cuándo terminó la Revolución Cubana? Una Discusión.” With Jorge Domínguez, Julio César Guanche, Jennifer Lambe, Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Silvia Pedraza, and Rafael Rojas, Cuban Studies vol. 47, 143-165.

2019  "Canada and the Venezuela Crisis." Oasis 30 (July-December): 50-75.

2019  "Ciencias sociales y humanidades en Cuba: Parametración y despolitización," in Gisela Kozak Rovero and Armando Chaguaceda eds., La izquierda como autoritarismo en el siglo XXI (Buenos Aires: CADAL), 173-201.

2019 "Cuba sous les mots." La Vie des idees (Paris, 7 February). Review of La Lutte by Vincent Bloch.