Welcome to the Political Science Department!

There is never a dull moment in politics! There are always elections in the air, clashes of ideas and political forces, instances of cooperation but also conflicts, including violent ones. Whether you take a single course in our department or many, our mission, and we do accept it, is to provide you with a solid background in the discipline, and help you make sense of the political world we live in. Our department is one of the largest at St.FX and in the region. We offer a wide range of courses and paths of study, including cross-listed courses and participation in interdisciplinary programs (Development Studies; Ethics, Politics and Law; and the Public Policy and Governance). We send our own team to the Model UN in New York, and we offer a ten-day three-credit study in Israel-Palestine (though not this coming year). Most importantly, our faculty members have a common goal: to help you succeed, in a positive, accessible setting for learning. Come talk to us!
Yvon Grenier
Department Chair
4th Floor Mulroney Hall
2333 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5