Nexos Comunitarios is a Peruvian non-profit organization that seeks to promote freedom and the exercise of human rights with populations living in poverty and social exclusion. As the executive director of Nexos Comunitarios, Maricarmen Valdivieso has played an integral role as an experiential learning facilitator in Peru for The Immersion Service Learning Program. Maricarmen’s organization works to reduce poverty in isolated communities within Peru and to promote a better understanding and true respect between different societies and cultures both nationally and internationally. She collaborates with these partner communities to provide student experiences that complement Nexos' active work, supporting on-site projects that address community-identified needs.
Through this ISL partnership, StFX students have the unique opportunity to acquire experience working with diverse communities and to learn about and reflect on global development and social justice issues from a cross-cultural context.
In addition to programs with Immersion Service Learning, Maricarmen has shared her expertise and perspective with StFX students through virtual in-class presentations and discussions in various StFX programs, as a panelist on the multidisciplinary Global Issues Forum, and as a facilitator for a virtual immersion experience with a community in Peru as part of a winter three-credit course. Despite current student mobility restrictions, Nexos Comunitarios remains committed to StFX student learning and the continued fostering of partnerships between the University and the communities served in Peru.
To quote a former student, they said: “I have been able to expand my worldview, learning about issues that exist beyond the St. FX campus and my community. Moreover, I have been able to gain International Development work experience, as well as leadership skills that will help me in my future career.”
Nexos Comunitarios is a valuable partner to this educational institution, contributing to the development of globally aware and socially active graduates. For their commitment to reciprocal learning, their support of the StFX Service Learning program, and their important development work, I am pleased to present Nexos Comunitarios for the St. Francis Xavier University Community Partner Recognition Award.
373 Coady International Institute
4780 Tompkins Lane
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5