New Student Registration: Engineering


The Department of Engineering offers six 3-credit courses at the 100-level (see course descriptions below):
  • ENGR 121 – Calculus I for Engineers
  • ENGR 122 – Calculus II for Engineers
  • ENGR 128 – Engineering Design and Graphics
  • ENGR 132 – Technical Communications
  • ENGR 136 – Statics
  • ENGR 147 – Computer Programming

These are required first-year courses for all students in the Diploma in Engineering.  Students who choose to do the Diploma over three years, rather than two, normally move ENGR 132 and 147 into second year.

ENGR 121 and 122

ENGR 121 and 122 are cross-listed courses with mathematics. However, students interested in taking calculus, but not interested in the engineering program, should choose MATH 106 and 107 rather than ENGR/MATH 121 and 122.

ENGR 128, 132, 136, and 147

These engineering courses are not open to students outside of the program without permission from the chair of the department. It should be noted that permission is rarely granted, primarily because these courses have little or no availability after engineering students have registered.

Course Descriptions

121   Calculus I for Engineers
This course examines the main idea of calculus of a single variable. It covers functions; limits; continuity; differentiation and integration of polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions; product, quotient and chain rules; applications of differentiation to graphing; maximum-minimum problems and related rate problems; definite and indefinite integrals and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 121 or MATH 106 or 126. Cross-listed as MATH 121. Three credits and one-hour lab and one-hour problem session.

122   Calculus II for Engineers
A continuation of ENGR 121, this course covers applications of integration including areas, volumes, moments, pressure and work; techniques of integration; numerical integration; length of curves; surfaces of revolution; parametric equations; polar co-ordinates; sequences and series and Taylor series. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 122 or MATH 107 or 127.  Cross-listed as MATH 122. Prerequisite: ENGR 121. Three credits and one-hour lab and one-hour problem session.

128   Engineering Design and Graphics
Introduces the engineering profession through graphics and design. The engineering graphics language is presented through free hand sketches, instrument and computer-aided drawings (2-D and 3-D). Students develop and enhance visualization skills as well as the ability to produce and interpret simple drawings. Students complete a design project supported by the Service Learning program that includes working with a client on an engineering problem solution through drawings, a report, and potential prototyping. To support this, engineering case studies are used to consider engineering ethics and introduce legal aspects of the profession along with the path taken toward becoming a professional engineer. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 128 or ENGR 131. Three credits and three-hour lab.

132   Technical Communications
The main objective of this course is to provide students with technical communication skills, both written and oral. The history of engineering will be studied. Methods of producing engineering documents and presentations will be covered. Students will learn how to locate, use, and reference engineering information sources. Three credits and two-hour lab.

136   Statics
The course covers the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies at rest. It teaches the principles and application of mechanics to stationary objects and is designed to develop an analytical approach to solving force problems. Vector analysis is used extensively. Prerequisites: ENGR 128, PHYS 121. Three credits and three-hour lab.

147  Engineering Computer Programming
This course is an introduction to computer programming with a focus on engineering applications. It requires no previous programming experience The basic programming control structures, data structures, and modularization will be covered. The programming language will be Python and/or C/C++. Students will write programs in various environments and will implement a physical design project using the Arduino platform. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 147, ENGR 144, ENGR 198 (2017-2018) or CSCI 161 (pre 2023). Three credits and two-hour lab.

Please refer to Section 9.17 Engineering in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Engineering department Webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5