Welcome to Facilities Management!
Facilities Management provides a wide range of services for the campus community including custodial, carpentry, painting, plumbing, electrical, HVAC/BAS, snow removal, grounds care, horticulture, and utility generation and distribution. The Department also provides a number of support services such as moving, project planning and estimating.
Campus Maps
Current parking map of campus
Civic Address List
Contact Us
Contact Hours: M-F 8 am to 4 pm
Email: @email (preferred)
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
For all requests: email @email (preferred) or contact the FM Service Desk @ 2149
For after-hours emergencies phone Safety & Security @ 4444
Service Desk T: 902-867-2149 F: 902-867-5305 |
Main Office T: 902-867-2289 F: 902-867-5305 |
Custodial Services T: 902-867-5552 F: 902-867-5305 |
Project Office
Email: @email
Custodial Services
At StFX, we recognize the fundamental importance of maintaining a clean and healthy campus environment for the well-being and success of our students, faculty, and staff. As part of our commitment to excellence, we take pride in delivering custodial services of the highest quality, adhering to industry-leading certifications and standards.
The Facilities Management Department bears the responsibility for custodial duties in both Residential and Academic buildings. Our dedicated team ensures a comprehensive range of services that guarantee a clean and well-maintained environment for everyone on campus.
These services include:
- Daily cleaning of all communal areas, encompassing waste and recyclables removal.
- Every day we clean all washrooms to maintain hygiene and sanitation standards.
- A regular thorough sweeping and mopping of floors to keep them spotless and tidy.
- Weekly cleaning of showers and stairwells, typically scheduled on Tuesdays/Wednesdays, to ensure a fresh and inviting atmosphere.
Rest assured, our custodial staff is committed to upholding the highest cleanliness standards to support a conducive learning and living environment at StFX.
Academic & Administrative Offices
Private offices are expected to manage the disposal of their own garbage and recyclable materials by taking them to designated sorting stations. If office occupants require cleaning services for their offices, they must notify the custodial team to make the necessary arrangements. Before cleaning, occupants are kindly requested to clear all belongings from surfaces that require attention. This cooperation ensures an efficient and effective cleaning process for all parties involved.
Residential Living
Please note that all occupants within residence are responsible for the upkeep of their dwelling. This includes managing the disposal of their own garbage and recyclable materials and keeping their living spaces clean and tidy. However, if they require any specific assistance or additional cleaning services, they are welcome to notify the residence life team (@email) to further assist them. This will ensure a well-maintained and pleasant living environment for everyone within the university campus.
Project Work
Each year, the custodial team conducts annual project work, which encompasses essential tasks such as stripping and finishing tile floors, as well as deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery. To minimize any disruption to the regular academic year routine, these projects are typically scheduled during the summer months. In early June of each year, the custodial team will provide a detailed schedule for the upcoming projects. This proactive approach allows all stakeholders to plan accordingly, ensuring seamless and efficient execution of the necessary maintenance and cleaning tasks.
Cleaning for conferences, functions, and incremental project cleaning is available and will be charged to the requesting department.
For all service requests: email @email or contact the FM Service Desk @ 902-867-2149
Maintenance/Renovation Services
Maintenance Services
At St. Francis Xavier University, we prioritize the well-being of our campus community, and our dedicated Facilities Management team is here to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of our facilities. To request maintenance services, you can use one of the following options:
- Email: For all maintenance requests, please email us at @email. This is the preferred method of contact as it allows us to efficiently process and track your requests.
- Phone: If you prefer to speak to someone directly, you can contact our FM Service Desk at 902-867-2149 during regular business hours.
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed for lunch daily from 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm).
After-Hours Emergencies
For any maintenance emergencies outside regular business hours, our Safety & Security team is available to assist you. If you encounter a maintenance issue that requires immediate attention, please call them at 902-867-4444.
Renovation Services
We understand that maintaining modern and functional facilities is essential to providing an excellent learning and working environment. If you are planning a renovation project, we are here to help. To initiate a renovation request, please complete the A&R Request form, and our team will get in touch with you to discuss the details of your project.
Key Requests
The Key Request Form must be printed, completed, and signed by your Department Head. The form can either be mailed or dropped off to Karen Smith on the 1st floor of MacDonald Hall. We cannot accept faxed or emailed copies.
Facilities Management will inform you when your key is ready for pickup. Keys can be picked up at the FM service desk attached to MacDonald Hall (2175 Varsity Dr).
NOTE: Student residence keys must be obtained through Safety & Security.
Transport and Grounds
Office Moves
Planning an office move? Our Transport Services team is here to assist you. To request an office move, please fill out the A&R Request form at least 2 weeks in advance. To ensure a smooth process, please note the following guidelines:
- Preparation: Ensure all filing cabinets, desks, bookshelves, etc. are empty before the move.
- Personal Items: Incumbents are responsible for packing their items. Please have your boxes packed on or before the requested move date and time.
- Books: When packing boxes with books, limit their filling to 50% due to their weight.
Need something delivered? Our Facilities Management team offers convenient pick-up and delivery services to the University community. To request a delivery, you can either email us at @email or contact the FM Service Desk at 902-867-2149. Please make sure to submit your delivery requests at least 2 business days in advance. Delivery services are available from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday.
Grounds Care
At St. Francis Xavier University, we take great pride in maintaining a beautiful and environmentally friendly campus. Our dedicated lawn care department is responsible for the upkeep of trees, shrubs, and general landscaping. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we make every effort to avoid the use of harmful chemicals.
Our goal is to provide efficient and reliable transport and grounds care services to our university community. To help us serve you better, we kindly request the following:
- Timely Requests: For office moves and deliveries, please submit your requests with a minimum of 2 weeks' notice to ensure adequate planning and scheduling.
- Cooperation: To facilitate office moves, ensure all items are packed and ready on or before the requested move date and time.
- Sustainability: Join us in our sustainability efforts by embracing eco-friendly practices in your workspace and respecting the campus environment.
CIMS Certification
We are proud to have achieved the Cleaning Industry Management Standards (CIMS) certification multiple times over the last eight years. This prestigious certification demonstrates our commitment to excellence in custodial services and helps to ensure that we are providing the highest level of cleanliness and hygiene possible.
Your university is CIMS-Green Building certified.

At StFX, earning the ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) and CIMS-Green Building (GB) certification is a significant milestone. The thorough process and third-party assessment are a clear validation of our outstanding business practices. But at StFX the certification means much more than that: It allows us to offer our customers valuable benefits.
CIMS certification allows our customers to:
- Choose an educational institution that is truly professional and capable of getting the job done.
- Be assured that our management systems and processes were assessed by an independent third party and that we comply with the industry’s leading standard.
- Take advantage of the savings and service improvements that come from reducing costs by improving efficiency.
- Know that we have a sustainable business model that will provide them with valuable, long-term service.
- Take the guesswork out of identifying a quality, customer-focused, professional organization.
- Be assured that we can help them achieve points for green cleaning practices under the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M).
- Have a direct compliance option for the new green cleaning policy prerequisite in Version 4 of LEED EB: O&M.
CIMS and CIMS-GB certifications are administered by ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association.
MacDonald Hall, 2175 Varsity Dr.
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5