Nestled in small-town Nova Scotia, Mi'kma'ki, St. Francis Xavier University is consistently ranked the best undergraduate university in Canada. We offer a one-of-a-kind student experience, with outstanding academic programs and a vibrant social and community life. 

StFX has a long and proud tradition as one of Canada’s oldest universities. For 170 years we have cultivated our strong and resilient spirit, dedication to intellectual rigour, and commitment to engaging students who aspire to be community-minded global citizens. Our motto Quaecumque Sunt Vera (Whatsoever Things are True) perfectly captures our values of integrity, dignity, truth, and respect for all. 

Our story is intertwined with those of Nova Scotia’s historic communities and the many peoples who have come to call this place home. Established in partnership with the Roman Catholic Diocese and influenced by the Scottish Highlander culture of Antigonish, StFX has evolved into a diverse, international learning community. 

Locally Rooted, Globally Minded

Home to the internationally recognized Coady Institute, StFX values community development, social justice and global awareness. Here, students find leadership development opportunities they can apply in all aspects of their lives.  

StFX attracts about half of its student population from outside the Atlantic region. Our dynamic community reflects nearly every corner of the world, and our 45,000 alumni strengthen and enrich the StFX experience. In 140 countries, graduates proudly wear their X-Rings.  

Your StFX Experience

Our close-knit residence environment is at the heart of the StFX experience. Students live and learn together, with a wide variety of academic programs to choose from in the faculties of Arts, Science, Education, and the Gerald Schwartz School of Business. 

StFX is one of Canada’s very best universities, ranked #1 for student satisfaction in Maclean’s primarily undergraduate category.  

Are you looking for exceptional academics, a place to develop leadership and a community that shares your values? StFX offers all this and more. Come and be part of our story!