StFX President's Action Committee on Anti-Racism
Terms of Reference, April 2023
StFX University recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining an equitable, diverse, inclusive, and accessible working, research, teaching, learning, and living environment that enables every member of our campus community to flourish. As an educational institution, we work proactively to embed practices related to equity, anti-racism, and accessibility in all aspects of our University culture, curriculum, and experience. This is outlined in the StFX University Strategic Plan: Building Our University the Way it is Meant to Be (2023-2028), and our work is continuing.
In May 2021, the President’s Action Committee on Anti-Racism (PACAR) began its work to advise on action-oriented measures to address anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism on campus. Acknowledging the wealth of existing reports and previous recommendations, PACAR aimed to go beyond identifying problems to offer a bold, solution-focused action plan with the aim of advancing equity and anti-racism across the campus community. Following a comprehensive consultation process, the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan: Striving for Anti-Racism and Equity was released in April 2023. Upon approval, the focus shifts to ongoing implementation, reporting on annual progress and evaluation.
PACAR will continue to oversee the implementation and evaluation of the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan at StFX University and, with support from the Manager, Governance and Strategic Initiatives, will publish an annual report wherein progress from the previous year is highlighted, and objectives for the current planning year are discussed. In addition, members of PACAR will provide support and advice on institution-wide efforts to advance equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and other equity-related work, take on one or more roles designed to help embed equity and anti-racism throughout the university:
Working Group Leader: Responsible for specific campus-based initiatives that advance antiracism and equity actions. Working Group Leaders will identify campus community members within and beyond PACAR members to bring expertise to the initiatives as required.
Working Group Member: Provide consultative guidance to service providers on-campus responsible for implementing the recommendations outlined in the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan, assesses change management needs and provide advice to service providers at various stages of the implementation process. The Working Group leader would normally be the person who is assigned accountability for the action item, as outlined in the PACAR Accountability Framework, unless the work is emergent or assigned to PACAR by the President.
The constitution of PACAR shall reflect the diversity of StFX’s campus and the broader community in which the university is located. The composition encompasses representatives from campus departments and is intentional in its inclusion of the voices of members of historically and currently marginalized and excluded groups.
The committee will be comprised of 18 members who will serve up to a 2-year term, with possibility of renewal to an additional 2-year term. Student representatives will serve up to a 1- year term, with possibility of renewal each year to a maximum of 4 years.
The committee seeks to have a minimum of 70% representation from persons who identify as Mi’kmaw, Indigenous, Black or as a member of another historically and currently marginalized and excluded group.
The committee will be co-chaired by the Vice-President (Students) and an Advisor (appointed by the President).
The membership of PACAR includes at least one representative from departments within the university and community stakeholders. The following University departments have been selected for membership on the committee based on their involvement and influence over anti racism and equity, including:
Vice-President, Students (Co-Chair)
External Advisor to the President (Co-Chair appointed by the President)
Vice-President Academic and Provost (or designate)
StFX Knowledge Keeper
Equity and Human Rights
Centre for Teaching and Learning
Facilities Management
Marketing and Communications
Faculty (3)*
Students (3)**
Community Member (3)**
Alumni (3)**
*Student, faculty, alumni and community representation must come from Mi’kmaw, Indigenous, Black communities or from members of other historically and currently excluded or marginalized groups.
*Student and community representatives will be provided with a participation honorarium of $500 per term.
Faculty, students and community members apply to serve on the committee. Staff are appointed by their relevant VP. Any group appointing representatives will be encouraged to assign members who self-identify as Mi’kmaw, Indigenous, Black, or as a member of another historically and currently marginalized and excluded group. Following establishment of PACAR, it is expected that working groups will be established to support priority actions items requiring focused and/or more frequent input from individuals who bring lived experience or expertise. These will be chaired by a member of PACAR who is a current StFX staff member.
In addition to the above members, other individuals within the University may be called upon from time to time to serve as members of working groups, or to complete actions decided by the PACAR and approved by executive leadership.
Meeting Frequency
Meetings will be at least one per term, or as necessary. Working groups will meet as often as necessary to carry out their mandate. Committee members are expected to serve on at least one Working Group.
The Co-Chairs or her/his/their designate, plus other members totaling a minimum of eight members.
Members are expected to attend meetings. When members miss two consecutive meetings, one or both Co-Chairs shall reach out to the member to discuss their ability to continue to engage with the work of the committee.
There will be two Co-Chairs, appointed by the President. The inaugural PACAR will be cochaired by the Vice-President (Students) and the Senior Advisor to the President.
The Co-Chairs will alternate responsibility for chairing meetings. In the absence of either of the Co-Chairs, the Director, Equity and Human Rights will act in their place.
Decision-Making and Operating Principles
The committee shall strive for consensus; however, recognizes that full consensus may not be possible. In the absence of consensus, three quarters of quorum (quorum as defined above) is needed for decisions.
Terms of reference will be updated every two years. One meeting annually will include reviewing the terms of reference.
Meetings will be held (at minimum) once per term, with additional meetings scheduled as necessary.
There shall be various working groups. These working groups will have a lead and can consist of members outside of PACAR, so long as approved with quorum.
Additional members, outside of the PACAR members, are non-voting members.
Working Groups
PACAR Working Groups are made up of at least one (1) individual from PACAR, and between 4-5 additional members with the expertise and/or accountability for processes by which implementation may proceed. Their fundamental responsibility is to work in collaboration with the university staff responsible for executing the goals and initiatives outlined in the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan, providing subject matter expertise, advice, and guidance around the implementation of the initiatives identified in the plan, or other areas of focus emergent or assigned to PACAR by the President.
In addition to the above provisions on Working Groups:
The Working Group Leader is appointed by PACAR and must be a current StFX staff or faculty member.
The Working Group Leader shall recruit the membership they deem necessary to carry out the assigned work. The Lead shall bear in mind PACAR’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility when recruiting Working Group members.
The terms of office for each Working Group member shall be for the duration of the assigned work unless the member resigns or the term is earlier rescinded by the appointing Lead.
The Lead shall assume the same responsibilities as the Chair for the Working Group (i.e., in terms of leading meetings, facilitating discussion, ensuring assigned work is completed as required).
The above provisions dealing with Committee Meetings shall apply to Working Group meetings, except that the number of meetings shall be as determined by the Lead.
Receive and review information on institutional progress towards achieving the goals and initiatives outlined in the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan, through regular updates from Working Groups.
Encourage collaboration across Working Groups considering each of the thematic areas.
Review equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and inclusion work in progress and create opportunities to share this information (including experiences, challenges, barriers, best practices) across the university so that we can learn from each other and build capacity.
Produce an annual report on progress related to the goals and initiatives outlined in the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan, with support from the Manager, Governance and Strategic Initiatives.
Plan, coordinate and host an Annual General Meeting, open to all faculty, staff, students, alumni, campus and community partners, where annual reports on progress on the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan and related efforts from all Working Groups are presented and discussed.
Solicit input and feedback from the university and external community on the implementation of the goals and initiatives identified in the PACAR Anti-Racism Action Plan to ensure the voice of community is considered in all aspects of equity and anti-racism within the university.
As needed, help facilitate the engagement of others on campus, including subject matter experts, individuals with lived experiences, etc.
Serve as a resource to the university on issues related to equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and inclusion work.
Make recommendations on implementing equity initiatives more broadly across the University with a focus on actions/initiatives for achieving greater equity, diversity, and inclusion in the University’s faculty, staff, and student populations.
Facilitate collaboration, coordination, and communication across all equity and inclusion committees, moving away from our existing siloed approach and focusing on our shared work and intended outcomes.
P.O. Box 5000
StFX University
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5