Safe Operating Procedures

Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs) are a set of safe work practices and step-by-step instructions that are required in the workplace to control identified hazards to help ensure employee safety.  Supervisors can contact OHS for assistance when identified hazards require an SOP.  Employees must be trained in and follow all SOPs that pertain to them.  SOPs must be reviewed yearly by a JOHSC.  All SOPs will be developed with input from the employees who do the work.  They understand the hazards best!

Use the template below to draft an SOP.  Please forward to OHS for review. 

SOP Template

Current Safe Operating Procedures

All of Campus
Facilities Management
All of Facilities Management
Central Heating Plant
Grounds and Transport
Mechanical and Electrical
Pool and Rink



Occupational Health and Safety

212 Safety & Security Building
5005 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5