Students are integral community members who bring diversity and vibrancy to Antigonish and surrounding areas. StFX students volunteer with local community and school organizations and are employed in local businesses.
StFX University, the StFX Student Union, the Town of Antigonish, the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, the RCMP, and the Antigonish Landlords Association have been exploring ways to enhance positive community and school spirit, protect student well-being and minimize harm and disruption to our students and the wider community, particularly during traditionally socially active times in the academic year.
StFX has a strong culture of taking care of each other and of service to the community. We look to build on this tradition of care and kindness for each other within the StFX community and for our neighbors in the Town and Municipality of the County of Antigonish. To support these outcomes, the University has worked with students and the other stakeholders noted above to create the Being Xaverian and Good Neighbors Strategy, consisting of five integrated pillars:
Please click on the header below to find more information.
This section describes the formal and informal approaches taken to educate students about the values of the StFX community and our expectations for behaviour, increasing the knowledge and skills of students to better enable them to contribute positively to the community and intervene as concerned bystanders, and to support students to access resources when needed.
This section describes actions taken to enhance the capacity of professional staff to support students, and to help them to engage in healthy and positive alternatives. StFX has also implemented a new trauma informed and culturally responsive Code of Conduct and Residence Standards that is based on restorative community approaches.
This section outlines the steps StFX has taken to leverage and collaborate with community partners and stakeholders at the municipal, provincial and national levels.
This section explains how StFX works with local partners such as the RCMP, By Law Enforcement and St, Martha’s hospital to keep students and community safe as well as our harm reduction efforts at traditionally busy times in the student social calendar.
This section describes how StFX Student Services has partnered with Marketing and Communications to integrate educational campaigns with programs and services to support the outcomes of this strategy.
Get Involved
We will keep our community informed through this website, and our StFX social media channels.
Join the conversation!
Please watch this space for more information about an upcoming Summit that will engage departments, students, societies, residence, and wider community partners to join the discussion about enhancing our safe and positive social culture.
Please contact Elizabeth Yeo, VP Students with questions or comments or to be added to our Summit Invitation list.
To read more about the recommendations that have evolved from Being Xaverian/ Good Neighbors Working Group please click here