Supporting the StFX Community
You may not know us by name, but whether you live in residence, shop at the StFX Store or X-Ring Store, watch our varsity & club teams play at any of our facilities on campus, need a room for a meeting, or grab a bite to eat Morrison Hall, Ancillary Services is a big part of your StFX experience.
The Ancillary Services team operates and coordinates a wide range of vital campus services from housing and food services to summer accommodations, events & conference services. The breadth and quality of the services we offer allow us to touch the lives of students, faculty, staff, and the community of Antigonish and the surrounding area. Review our Vision, Mission, and Core Values.
Our dedication to innovation and adaptation is evident in everything we do, from refining our food service options to reflect student diversity, tastes and health concerns to making our operations more environmentally sustainable.
An employer of choice
Ancillary Services also serves StFX as a major employer by employing students during both the academic year and summer months and having a team of 35 full-time staff work in our department.
Valuing feedback
We are always looking for ways to improve our service offering. That's why we appreciate hearing your comments and suggestions.
Room 208 Services Building
5005 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5