New Student Registration: Classical Studies

Classical Studies

The Program in Classical Studies offers two 3-credit courses and one 6-credit course at the 100-level (see course descriptions at the bottom of this page):

  • CLAS 111 – Introductory Latin I
  • CLAS 112 - Introductory Latin II
  • CLAS 120 - Introductory Greek 

These courses may be electives in any program, other than the Diploma in Engineering.

CLAS 111/112 are normally offered each year, but CLAS 120 is offered only occasionally.

Students contemplating a pair in Classical Studies should note that CLAS 111/112 and 120 can constitute a pair, even though all 12 credits are at the 100-level.  (This is an exception to the normal pair requirement of a minimum of 6 credits at the 200-level or above.)  Students should also be aware that courses other than CLAS 111/112 are offered only sporadically, so a Classical Studies pair is rarely a possibiity.  Those interested in taking CLAS 111/112 may therefore only be able to use them as electives.

Students in the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics, and Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition degrees may use 6 credits of Classical Studies as the 6-credit arts subject requirements (Arts Y) in their respective programs.

Course Descriptions

111 Introductory Latin I
For students with no knowledge of Latin, this course introduces students to Latin grammar and vocabulary. Recommended for students interested in classical languages, literature, philosophy, history, and religious studies. Credit will be granted for only one of CLAS 111 and CLAS 110. Three credits.

112 Introductory Latin II
This course is the sequel to CLAS 111, providing the second third of Latin grammar and vocabulary. Recommended for students interested in classical languages, literature, philosophy, history, and religious studies. Credit will be granted for only one of CLAS 112 and CLAS 110. Three credits.

120 Introductory Greek - Not offered 2022-2023
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the basic structural features of classical Greek. In addition to grammar and vocabulary, the class will consider simple texts from classical Greek philosophy and literature as well as from the New Testament. Six credits.

Please refer to Section 9.10 Classical Studies in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Classical Studies program webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5