New Student Registration: Climate and Environment

Climate and Environment

The Department of Climate and Environment offers two 3-credit courses at the 100 level.
  • CLEN 101 - Introduction to the Climate System
  • CLEN 102 - Introduction to Environmental Systems

Together, CLEN 101 and 102 provide the 6 credits of foundation course material for further study in Climate and Environment. These courses are required for any student contemplating a pair or minor in Climate and Environment within the BA, BBA, BSC or HKIN degrees and are permitted as electives in any program except Diploma in Engineering.  If you are planning to complete a BASc in Climate and Environment, please see the Academic Calendar for the requirements for the program.  For first year information, see the Step 2 - Select your Coures section of the registration guide.

CLEN 101 and 102 are the minimum prerequisites for all other courses in the department.

Course Descriptions

101  Introduction to the Climate System
This course introduces the climate system. It provides students with an overview of the Earth energy balance and the mechanisms for energy transfer among climate subsystems. Specifically, it focuses on understanding the physical processes determining Earth’s climates and how the current Earth energy imbalance affects the dynamics of the climate system (climate change). The course is intended for students who are new to the study of climate. Three credits and lab.

102  Introduction to Environmental Systems
This course introduces students to the global environmental systems and processes necessary to address scientifically complex and diverse issues associated with environmental change. Through the study of interconnected global biogeochemical, atmospheric, landscape scale, and hydrological processes, students will learn about the science that underpins many environmental issues associated with resource availability and contamination. Case studies will be used to illustrate concepts, and students will develop an understanding of the fundamentals of environmental measurement, and an introduction to major groups of environmental contaminants. Credit will be granted for only one of CLEN 102, ENSC 115 or ESCI 271. Three credits and lab.

Please refer to Section 9.11 Climate and Environment in the Academic Calendar 

Click here to go to the Climate and Environment subject webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5