New Student Registration: French


The Department of Modern Languages offers two 3-credit French courses at the 100-level, and two 3-credit French courses at the 200-level (see course descriptions at the bottom of this page) that may be taken in first year, depending on a student's level of French and result on the placement test:
  • FREN 111 – Basic University French I
  • FREN 112 – Basic University French II
  • FREN 211 – Intermediate French I
  • FREN 212 – Intermediate French II

First-year students may begin their study of university French with FREN 111, FREN 112, FREN 211, or FREN 212, depending on their current levels of French. See additional notes below, in the Course Description section, regarding FREN 111 and 112.

Some first-year students, those who completed French School or who obtained an exceptional result in the placement test, may be permitted to register in other upper-year FREN courses with permission of the department chair.  Students who are interested in this option should contact the chair of the Department of Modern Languages.

The course descriptions below clearly define which of these courses first-year students should consider as a first course in French. In all cases, the department placement test will be a determining factor.

First-time registrants in University French are required to take the online placement test prior to registering. This is to provide students with assistance in choosing the most appropriate first course in university French, according to their current French language skills. To complete the test, you must log in using your WebFX (StFX e-mail) username and password (not your student ID and PIN). Take the online placement test. When you login, choose the "Courses" tab at the top, and search for "placement test".

Although students are permitted and encouraged to take courses in more than one language, they are reminded that only one language pair is permitted in any program. A language pair is 12 credits in one language.

Course Descriptions

111   Basic University French I
This course corresponds to level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students will acquire the necessary competence in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, to use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete communication situations such as introduction of self, answering basic questions about home, family and surroundings. This course is restricted to students with little previous background in French and who have not completed grade 12 core French. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 111 or FREN 110. Three credits and one-hour lab.

112  Basic University French II
This course is a continuation of FREN 111 and corresponds to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students will learn to understand and communicate during easy or habitual tasks and will understand isolated phrases and common expressions that relate to areas of high personal relevance (like personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work). This course is recommended for students with some background in French or who have completed grade 12 Core French. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 112 or FREN 110. Three credits and one-hour lab.

Notes re FREN 111 and 112

a) The department reserves the right to refuse admission to these courses to students whose knowledge of French is inadequate according to the department placement test.

b) FREN 111 and FREN 112 may not be used as credit toward a major, advanced major or honours degree. They may be used toward a minor or subsidiary in French, as part of a pair, or as electives.

c) Closed to students who have completed 200-level French courses or higher, as well as to students from French schools and French Immersion programs.

211  Intermediate French I
This course corresponds to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students will acquire the necessary competence in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, and will be able to communicate with some confidence on matters related to his/her interests and professional field. Students will be able to express thoughts on more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books, music etc. Recommended for students who have completed high school French Immersion Program, have completed FREN 112 (with a grade of at least 60), or who are placed into the course through the placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 211 or FREN 115. Three credits and one-hour lab.

212  Intermediate French II
This course corresponds to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Students will acquire the necessary competence to interact with fluency and spontaneity and produce detailed text on a wide range of subjects. Recommended for students who have a strong background in French, who have completed FREN 211, or who are placed into the course through the placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 212 or FREN 115. Three credits and one-hour lab.

Please refer to Section 9.26 Modern Languages in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Modern Languages department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5