New Student Registration: Political Science

Political Science

The Department of Political Science offers two 3-credit courses at the 100-level:

  • PSCI 101 – Introduction to Power and Politics
  • PSCI 102 – Introduction to Comparative and Global Politics

These are required courses for a major, joint major, advanced major, joint advanced major, honours, subsidiary, minor, or pair in Political Science; for a major, joint major, honours, or pair in Public Policy and Governance; and for the Public Policy and Social Research major in the Bachelor of Arts with Major in Aquatic Resources.

They may also be electives in any program.

These courses are minimum prerequisites for all other courses in the department, other than PSCI 241 and 242.

PSCI 101 is not a prerequisite for 102, so students looking for a 3-credit course in second semester may take PSCI 102 without having taken 101 in first term.

Course Descriptions

101  Introduction to Power and Politics
This course provides a basic introduction to the study of politics by exploring key concepts, ideas and debates that are important for understanding political life. Topics covered include the nature of politics, varieties and dimensions of political power, political authority and the state. Students will be introduced to both traditional and contemporary political ideologies. Credit will be granted for only one of PSCI 101 or PSCI 100. Three credits.

102  Introduction to Comparative and Global Politics
International relations and national politics shape political life today. This course examines various forms of government and compares political systems and processes, electoral systems, and public policies. It introduces students to the international state system and relations among states, covering topics such as co-operation and conflict, alliances and international organizations, war and peace, the global economy and contemporary global issues. Credit will be granted for only one of PSCI 102 or PSCI 100. Three credits.

Please refer to Section 9.31 Political Science in the Academic Calendar

Click here to go to the Political Science department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5