New Student Registration: Statistics


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers one 3-credit course at the 100-level (see course description at the bottom of this page):

  • STAT 101: Introductory Statistics

This course is a requirement for students in all Bachelor of Business Administration programs; all Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition programs; all Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs; all Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health programs; the kinesiology major in both the BA and the BSc in Human Kinetics; the Economics major in the Bachelor of Arts with Major in Aquatic Resources; the Public Policy and Governance major, joint major, and honours programs in the Bachelor of Arts; and all Mathematics programs in the Bachelor of Arts.

It can also be used as an elective in Bachelor of Arts programs; in Music degree programs; and in the pre-education major in both the BA and the BSc in Human Kinetics.

STAT 101 is a prerequisite for most 300-level statistics courses.

Course Description

101   Introductory Statistics
This course will give an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics; graphical display of data, random variables and probability distributions, parameter estimations, hypothesis testing and simple linear regression. Students will learn to use statistical software tools; to identify bias in data collection; to organize and summarize data; to make inferences from data and to be able to test the significance of the results. Acceptable for credit in the Faculties of Arts and Business, and the Departments of Human Kinetics, Human Nutrition and B.Sc. Nursing. STAT 101.H will focus on applications to health sciences and STAT 101.B will focus on applications to business and economics. Credit will be granted for only one of STAT 101, STAT 201, STAT 224, STAT 231, PSYC 290(292), HKIN 301. Three credits.

Please refer to Section 9.25 Mathematics and Statistics in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Mathematics and Statistics subject webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5