Allan J. MacEachen Lecture Series
2025 Allan J. MacEachen Lecture Series
Dr. Kim Richard Nossal
The Rethinking Canadian-American Relations in the
Post-American Era
Kim Richard Nossal went to school in Melbourne, Beijing, Toronto, and Hong Kong. He graduated from the University of Toronto, and in 1976 joined McMaster University to teach International Relations and Canadian foreign policy. He was chair of the Department of Political Science from 1992 to 1996. In 2001, he moved to Queen’s University to head the Department of Political Studies. After stepping down as head in 2009, he served as director of the Centre for International and Defence Policy from 2011-13 and as director of the School of Policy Studies from 2013-15. He retired from Queen’s in 2020.
Thursday, 20 March 2025
Schwartz auditorium, Schwartz School of Business
7 p.m.
St. Francis Xavier University is pleased to host "The Allan J. MacEachen Annual Lecture Series". The Honourable Senator Jerahmiel S. Grafstein, Q.C., announced the establishment of this annual lecture series on 11 June 1996 at a dinner held at the Parliament Buildings, marking Mr. MacEachen's retirement from Parliament.
The life and legacy of one of Canada’s most important and respected politicians, the Hon. Allan J. MacEachen, was honoured as hundreds—including Canadian Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau—filled StFX’s Keating Centre Sept. 17 for a celebration of life for a man regarded as a Canadian icon.
Mr. MacEachen, a native of Inverness, Cape Breton, died Sept. 12, 2017, at the age of 96. The longtime Nova Scotia MP, cabinet minister and senator was also Canada's first deputy prime minister. He is one of StFX’s most notable alumni. The Memorial for Mr. MacEachen at St. F.X. can be watched on YouTube at Allan J. MacEachen a Celebration of life.
Funding for this series has been provided by friends and associates of Mr. MacEachen. The theme of the annual series is political parties and governance in Canada.
Below, you will find details, scripts, and videos of past lectures.
by Dr. John Stewart
Distinguished University Fellow
St. Francis Xavier University
Introduction to the Lecture Series
by Senator Jeremial Grafstein
Introduction by President Dr. Sean Riley
"All Those Years: Practice and Purpose in Politics"
by Mr. Allan J. MacEachen
Previously published in Tom Kent's (ed.) book
In Pursuit of the Public Good, McGill-Queen's Univesity Press, 1997
Inaugural Lecture
"In Defence of Politics"
by The Honourable Bob Rae
Introduction by Dr. Rodney Haddow
17 April 1997
"My Canada"
by The Honourable Frank McKenna
Introduction by President Dr. Sean Riley
4 November 1998
"Reflections on Contemporary Politics in Canada"
by Mr. Dalton Camp, O.C.
Introduction by Senator Lowell Murray
9 February 2000
"The Mystery of the National Liberal Caucus"
by Senator J. S. Grafstein
Introduction by Mr. Hugh Winsor
24 September 2001
"Canada: A Vanishing Identity?"
by The Right Honourable John Turner
Introduction by Dr. Richard Alway
3 April 2002
"The Future of Health Care in Canada"
by The Honourable Roy Romanow
Introduction by President Dr. Sean Riley
19 February 2003
"Judicial Activism, Social Policy and the Role of Parliament"
by Mr. Preston Manning
Introduction by Dr. James P. Bickerton
3 November 2003
"The Uses and Abuses of History, 1919 to Present"
by Dr. Margaret MacMillan
Introduction by Dr. Laurie C. C. Stanley-Blackwell
15 November 2004
"At Home in the World: Canada's Global Vision for the 21st Century"
by Dr. Jennifer Welsh
Introduction by Dr. Steven Holloway
28 March 2006
"Canadian Politics in 2008: Challenges and Prospects"
by The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien
Introduction by President Dr. Sean Riley
Introduction to the series by Dr. Yvon Grenier
30 January 2008
"Afghanistan: Failed State or Struggling Democracy?”
by The Honourable Flora MacDonald
Introduction by The Honourable Lowell Murray
Introduction to the series by Dr. Steven Holloway
28 October 2008
"Foreign Policy as a Canadian Act"
by The Right Honourable Joe Clark
Introduction by Dr. Doug Brown
Introduction to the series by Dr. Steven Holloway
22 October 2009
"Politics and Policy: From MacEachen to Harper"
by The Honourable Lowell Murray
Introduction by Dr. James Bickerton
Introduction to the series by Dr. Doug Brown
Welcome by President Dr. Sean Riley
11 October 2012
"Climate Change and Energy: Time for a Reality Check"
by The Honourable Dr. Donald J. Johnston
Introduction by Dr. Doug Brown
Introduction & Welcome by President Dr. Kent MacDonald
2 February 2015
"Reason, Freedom and the War on Terrorism"
by Mr. Allan R. Gregg
Introduction by Dr. James Bickerton
Introduction & Welcome by President Dr. Kent MacDonald
3 November 2015
Stream at:
"A Conversation on Indigenous Issues"
by The Right Honourable Paul Martin
Response by Chief PJ Prosper
Response by Dr. L. Jane MacMillan
Response by Dr. Jeff Orr
Introduction by President Dr. Kent MacDonald
Introduction to the series by Dr. James Bickerton
15 November 2016
Stream at:
"Democracy and the Rule of Law"
by The Right Honourable Beverly McLaughlin
19 March 2018
"Whatsoever Things are Lies: Twilight Time for Truth and Liberty"
by Linden MacIntyre
Introduction by The Honourable Lowell Murray
Introduction to the series by Dr. James Bickerton
24 January 2019
"Difficult Choices for Canada in a Chaotic World"
by David MacNaughton
Introduction by The Honourable Lowell Murray
Welcoming to the series President Kevin Wamsley
27 February 2020
4th Floor Mulroney Hall
2333 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5