Heather Helpard

Heather Helpard

Heather Helpard

Associate Professor
Campus Location
Camden Rm 268
(902) 867-3723
  • Associate Professor at the Rankin School of Nursing (2019-present), with previous teaching experience as an Assistant Professor at Dalhousie University for 18 years (2001-2019). 
  • 2024: Primary Applicant: The Alliance Against Violence and Adversity (AVA): Strengthening the implementation of evidence-based solutions to improve the health of women, girls, and gender-diverse people across Canada. Funding Source: CIHR Institute of Gender and Health: National Women’s Health Research Initiative Innovation Fund Operating Grant: Funding Period: October 2024-August 2027. Awarded: $599,395.00. 
  • 2023-Co-Investigator: The implementation of an advocacy intervention (AIM) for diverse women in midlife and older experiencing intimate partner violence-Effectiveness and experiences of participants and community-based-researchers.  Funding Source: Public Health Agency of Canada, Preventing and Addressing Elder Abuse. Funding Period: January 2023-December 2026. Awarded: $589, 272.00
  • 2022-Co-Applicant: CIHR Health Research Training Program (HRTP) grant entitled Alliance against Violence and Adversity (AVA): Health and Social Services Research Training Platform for System and Population Transformations in Girls and Women’s Health, funded for $2,550,000.00 over six years.
  • 2021 Joanna Briggs Institute Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Certificate, Dalhousie University
  • Teaching in pathophysiology and pharmacology, acute and episodic adult medical-surgical nursing (N207, N232, N307, N333, N332). Extensive acute adult critical care, emergency, and medical-surgical nursing background for over 30 years
  • 2024-St. FX Honors Student -Recipient of the Irving Oil Research Mentorship Award ($8500.00)
  • 2020-St. FX Honour Student-Recipient of the McKenna Center Racial Leadership Justice Grant ($8000.00)
  • 2017, 2019: Nominated for a Dalhousie University Faculty of Health Professions Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2018-2019: Dalhousie University Nursing Graduating Class Teacher Appreciation Awards


2014 Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing), Dalhousie University

1996 Master of Nursing, Dalhousie University

1991 Bachelor of Nursing, University of New Brunswick-Governor General Silver Medal Award

Research Interests

  • Rural women, context, and health population outcomes 
  • Intimate partner violence, domestic violence-women, girls, and gender-diverse populations
  • Health Care Interventions 
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Constructivist Grounded Theory
  • Photovoice
  • Thematic Analysis
  • Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health

Peer-Reviewed Journal:

Weeks, L., Allen, K., Holtmann, C., Leger, J., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., MacQuarrie, C., Macdonald, M., Moody, E., Stilwell, C., Helpard, H., & Gagnon, D. (2024). The implementation of the advocacy intervention for midlife and older women who have experienced intimate partner violence: Protocol for a randomized control trial. JMIR Research Protocols,13: e57886. https://doi:10.2196/57886.

Weeks, L.E., Stilwell, C., Rothfus, M., Weeks, A., Macdonald, M., Jackson, L., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Carson, A., Moody, E., Helpard, H., & Daclan, A. (published online Jan.12, 2023). A review of intimate partner violence interventions relevant to women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Violence Against Women https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012221150275 PROPERO Registration 2020 CRD42020194242.

Stilwell, C., Weeks, L.E., Rothfus, M., Weeks, A., Macdonald, M., Jackson, L., Dupuis-Blanchard, S., Carson, A., Moody, E., Helpard, H., & Daclan, A. (2021). Infographic: Intimate partner violence interventions relevant to women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthy Populations Journal, 1(2), 94-97. https://ojs.library.dal.ca/hpj/article/view/11048/10013.

Cobbett, S., Redmond, S., LeBlanc, A., MacNaughton, Doucet, L., Edgecombe, N., & Helpard, H. (2016). Online dementia education: Cultivating nursing students’ comprehension, application, and critical thinking skills. Perspectives; Canadian Gerontological Association, 39(1), 7-14. 

Helpard, H., & Meagher-Stewart, D. (1998). The “kaleidoscope” experience for elderly women living with coronary artery disease. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 9(3), 11-23. 

Peer Reviewed Journal in Review:

2024 (August): Joseph, C., Helpard, H., Sheppard-LeMoine, D., Betker, C., & Oickle, D. (2024). A critical analysis of sexualized violence health services provided to racialized students.  BMC Primary Care [Submitted and In Review]

Book Chapters:

Helpard, H., & Weeks, L.E. (2023). Remodeling the web: Supporting the needs of older women experiencing intimate partner violence in rural contexts. In C. Rusangwa (Ed)., Rural Health-Investment, Research, and Implications. London, UK:IntechOpen. ISBN 978-1-83768-599-8 (book chapter). www.intechopen.com/online-first/86031. 

H. Helpard (2023, March) Chapter 51: Nursing management endocrine problems. In S. Lewis, L. Bucher, Heitkemper, M. et al. (Eds.). (pp.1256-1286). Medical-surgical nursing in Canada (5th Ed.). Toronto: Elsevier Canada (book chapter). 

Book Chapter [in Press]:

Helpard, H. (2023, September) [in press]. Chapter 36: Interpersonal Violence. In L. Forcier, D. Sheppard LeMoine (Eds). Gidden’s concepts and competencies for Canadian nursing practice (1st Ed) (pp. TBD). Toronto: Elsevier. 

Doctoral Dissertation:

Helpard, H. (2014). Seeking self-worth: Physical activity behavior engagement in Rural Nova Scotia women post-myocardial infarction: A constructivist grounded theory study. Doctoral Dissertation. Dalspace Home: Faculty of Graduate Studies Online https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/handle/10222/50393?show=full