Lindsay Berrigan

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Lindsay Berrigan

Associate Professor of Psychology
Campus Location
Annex 125C
(902) 867-5729

Dr. Berrigan’s research addresses topics within the fields of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. Her research aims to understand how cognitive processes (e.g., attention, learning and memory, executive functions) are affected in neurological populations. Dr. Berrigan also investigates physiological mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits using electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs). Another aim of her research program is to evaluate cognitive assessment measures used by healthcare professionals and researchers and to develop improved measures. Dr. Berrigan is also interested in knowledge translation projects that inform healthcare professionals and improve health services. To date, her work has addressed topics relevant to individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and mild traumatic brain injury/concussion.


Click here to view some of her publications.