Welcome to Psychology at StFX!
On behalf of the Psychology Department, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all current students, prospective students, and visitors. As Department Chair, one of my roles is to support the students, faculty, and staff within the Department. For example, I offer program-relevant advising for students and can help identify and connect you to available resources. As Department Chair, my unique vantage point allows me to see the many and varied strengths of our students, faculty, and staff; we have much to celebrate. In my role, I also have an opportunity to identify areas for growth and renewal and feel very optimistic about both our current program offerings and our ideas for the future. Come and visit us in the Psychology Department to learn more.
Erin Austen
Department Chair
StFX Psychology also offers a degree in Applied Forensic Psychology
NEW COURSE for Winter term 2025 open for registration! Psychology 398 Special Topics: Forensic Psychology:
This course provides a broad overview of topics within the field of forensic psychology and highlights various areas of the criminal justice system (i.e., policing, courts, corrections). Topics covered include the history and development of forensic psychology, practices and procedures within policing, eyewitness memory, court procedures, law and legislation, aggressive behaviour and the law, risk assessment and treatment, corrections, and other core topics related to the forensic psychology field. Available to students who are NOT enrolled in the Applied Forensic Program.

103 Annex
2323 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5