To the Campus Community,
Not long ago the Premier of Nova Scotia provided an update that included declaring a state of emergency for the province. Below is a link to his webcast for your reference.
(please note the update starts at approximately 24:00 mins)
At its root, a ‘state of emergency’ grants the government extended authority to create and enforce guidelines when necessary. In this particular instance, law enforcement will now have the authority to fine people who gather in groups of larger than five and/or who are not following prescribed social distancing protocols.
Protocols relating to travel were also updated. Effective today, anyone traveling into the province must self-isolate for 14 days. This is an expansion of the directive that anyone returning from international travel must self-isolate. Related to travel, the border between Canada and the United States has been closed to all non-essential travel. As restrictions continue to tighten, we will continue to assist students who are not able to travel home. Also, If you are member of our campus community, a Canadian citizen, and are having difficulty returning to Canada, it is imperative that you register with the Canadian Government https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/registration. Please let your Dean or Director know as well so we can assist if at all possible.
The Premier’s message was clear. We, as a community, must ensure that we continue to follow the directives of the Nova Scotia Public Health Authority. Avoid congregating in groups of larger than five individuals. If you must be in a space with more than five individuals, ensure you are practicing social distancing best practices, keeping a minimum of six feet apart from others.
These protocols are important. We all must do our part to not only protect our own health, but to ensure we do not overwhelm the healthcare system in the province.
This is not a time for fear or panic; rather, a time to focus on the three ‘C’s mentioned in the province’s update: Caring, Community and Common sense. Keeping protocols in mind, I ask that you reach out to help others who may be in need (e.g. groceries and supplies), particularly those in isolation, the elderly, or single parents.
Stay safe and healthy. We will get through this together.
Kevin B. Wamsley,
President and Vice-Chancellor
StFX University