Bridget Way-Brackenbury, a fourth year StFX human kinetics student from Kingston, ON, has been selected for the 2020-21 cohort of the Pathy Foundation Fellowship. She will work in Antigonish, NS, with X-Project to educate and train a team of Afro-Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaq youth to create physical literacy programming for other youth in their own communities.
X-Project is a student-run society that offers group educational assistance, recreational opportunities, and youth leadership training for Afro-Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaq youth. Ms. Way-Brackenbury’s project will utilize a youth-centered model and culturally relevant practices already in operation at X-Project with a greater aim to reduce inequities in health and education.
Her initiative is expected to expand the practices and connections developed by X-Project and support physical and health literacy and leadership with youth in rural Nova Scotian communities. This project has the power to create physical literacy programming that focuses on creating a culture of empowerment and support through youth-adult partnerships, peer relationships, community connections and experiential learning.
The Pathy Foundation Fellowship provides community-focused experiential learning opportunities for graduating students to become active and effective change-makers, bringing new ideas and working closely with communities to foster sustainable and positive social change in Canada and around the world.