The internationally-known historian, Dr. Jacqueline deVries, of Augsburg University, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, will give the 2019-20 Christian Culture Lectures at StFX. Her lectures will take place in the Schwartz School of Business on Mon. March 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 215, and on Tues. March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 215. Her first lecture is entitled "The Evolution of Sex: Science, Religion, and 19th c. Gender Debates;" her second lecture will be on "Religion and Women's Suffrage: A Centenary Perspective."
Dr. deVries specializes in modern European and British social and cultural history. Her research focuses on the history of feminism and the social history of religion. She is the author of Women, Gender and Religious Cultures in Britain, 1800-1940 (co-edited with Sue Morgan, 2010), and is completing a book tentatively titled Women, Religion and Social Change, 1795-present. She has published a number of articles in scholarly journals, such as Feminist Studies and History Compass.
Dr. Rhonda Semple, a faculty member in the StFX Department of History and a member of the Christian Culture Lecture Series Committee, says that Dr. deVries brings an exceptional wealth of scholarship to her historical research and that StFX is privileged to serve as host to a scholar of such remarkable standing in this year’s Christian Culture Lecture Series. “Dr. deVries was in the vanguard of contemporary historians who, beginning in the late 1980s recognized the importance of re-integrating belief into the study of religious and cultural institutions. She has brought the tools of feminism and broader critical cultural approaches to the study of Christianity in the history modern globalizing west.”