Corporate records include both administrative and operational records. Corporate records are defined as those records, regardless of medium, that are created, received, or accumulated by University officials, offices, and the various governing bodies of the University. They pertain to the operations, and history of the University. They include personnel records, student records, and other records. Corporate records are the sole property of the University. Staff leaving the University or relinquishing office must leave all corporate records for their successors. Corporate records do not include records produced in a private capacity.
Quasi-corporate records are records, regardless of medium, created, received, or accumulated by University officials, offices, and the various governing bodies or groups of the University that do not pertain to the functions, policies, or operations of the University. They usually are the records of sponsored groups, clubs, associations, students, alumni, staff and faculty groups, editorial boards, societies, institutes, and organizations which relate to some aspect of University life, programs and schedules of University events.
Personal papers are records, regardless of medium, that record information regarding the personal activities of an individual. They do not record the activities and/or decisions undertaken while performing University duties, functions, or activities but those which are distinct and separate from University business. Personal papers are usually those of faculty, staff, and alumni. (Procedures for Depositing Personal Papers into the St. Francis Xavier University Archives are presently under development. For further details please consult the Archivist.)
Senior administrative officer is defined as one who is either a president, vice president or reports directly to the same.
1. All records considered inactive but of permanent archival value will be transferred to the University Archives. They will not be moved until preparations have been made to receive them. Please call the Archivist at Ext. #2201 to make arrangements for transfer of records.
2. At the time of donation the senior administrative officer or designate (the person designated by the senior administrative officer to deal with the records) will discuss with the Archivist which records may be sensitive. Longer closure time, or restrictions, may be placed on these records by the Archivist. The senior administrative officer or designate will also decide, in consultation with the Archivist, on schedules for this and subsequent transfers.
3. Records should be kept in their original file folders with care given to maintain the office filing system in use because archival cataloguing follows the principle of provenance (respect des fonds) or original order. Acid-free boxes must be used and are available upon request from the Archivist for packing. Be careful not to overload boxes as records will remain in better condition and will be easier to consult later on.
4. Records must be accompanied by a completed Records Transfer Form supplied by the Archivist. The senior administrative officer or designate should maintain a copy.
5. After notifying the Archivist regarding transfer, the senior administrative officer or designate should contact StFX Physical Plant, Grounds/Transportation Services to pick up the boxes.
6. The senior administrative officer or designate will receive a letter of acknowledgment noting receipt of material.
Revised by University Archives & Records Management Committee October 28, 1997
For more information, contact:
Kathleen MacKenzie, Archivist,
Phone: (902) 867-2201
Angus L. Macdonald Library
3080 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5