Past Honours Theses
Most of these works are available in the office of the administrative assistant (Nicholson Tower, Room 609).
- Mia Landi, “More Than a Seat at the Table”: Student Advocates Pull the Curtain on University Student Mental Health
- Bailey MacMullin, Making a ‘Good Me’: Capitalism and the Making of a Moral Self Within Adult ADHD Discourse
- Mitchell Moxon, “When Country Roads Don’t Take You Home”: The Political Economy of Homelessness in Rural Nova Scotia
- Emily MacEachern, “From Harm to Care”: How Disciplinary Power Operates in Workplace Mental Health
- Mary Jane Kelly, Emergency Evacuation Sheltering for People Living with Disabilities in Nova Scotia: A Governmentality Analysis. (Aubrecht)
- Jenny Li, Integrated Youth Mental Health Services: A Sociological Examination of Best Practices in a Canadian Context. (Aubrecht)
- Lucas Middleton, How to Pitch the Canadian Tent: Ritual, Symbolic Power, and the (Re)making of the Canadian Nation Through National Parks. (Cormack)
- Anola Campbell, Understanding the Experiences of University Students with Learning Disabilities in Navigating Educational Success. (Aubrecht)
- Paige Cummings, Can She Really Have It All? The Motherhood Penalty and COVID-19. (Garrod)
- Andreína Márquez de la Plata Gregor, "An extra five or ten minutes...It's all they want, it's all they need": Relational Understanding of Time in Long-Term Care. (Aubrecht)
- Catherine Kennedy, Rest: Resistance and Wellness Under Late Capitalism: A Critical Phenomenology. (Chisholm)
- Bailey Randall, Still Water Runs Deep: Fly-Fishing, Local Knowledge and Watershed Management. (Verberg)
- Samantha Smith, Social Enterprise Development for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: The Centrality of Community Support. (Aubrecht)
- David Elliot, The Schwarzenegger Conundrum: What Happens When AI and Politics Meet. (Bantjes)
- Robert Chatterton, Death of a Queer Nation: A Generational Comparison of Baby Boomers and Generation Z, (Cormack, Hurst)
- Molly Mulcahy, “From Everywhere & Nowhere: Military Children Talking about Home” (Verberg).
- Zakariya Chatur, Both Citizen and Terrorist: A Thematic Analysis of Omar Khadr and Timothy McVeigh (Marmura)
- Emma MacDonald, Participating in Vitality: All Our Relations (Chisholm)
- Rachel Johns, “The World Needs Your Kid”: The Role of Education in the Current Climate Crisis (Chisholm)
- Elizabeth McInnes, How to Create a Successful Conspiracy Theory (Marmura)
- Evan Curley, Artistic Practice and the State in Rural Nova Scotia (Harling Stalker)
- Lauren Sieben, Putting the “Her” in Sportscast(h)er: Exploring the Contrast of Gender in Sports, (Phyne)
- Michelle Annett, Out of the House and off to Neverland: Analyzing the Anticipatory Transitions Female Guardians Undergo as Their Children Move Away for Post-Secondary Education, (Harling Stalker)
- Lindsay Johnstone, Being Invisible in a Visible World: Voices From Those Having Invisible Physical, (Chisholm)
- Nicholas Favero, An Inquiry into the Condition of Class in the Neoliberal Era, (Bantjes)
- Laurenne Mercier, Look Out for Him, He’s a Hockey Player (Harling Stalker)
- Jason Fitzpatrick, Restraints and Resistance: The Struggle Between NL, Universities and Student Activism (Bantjes)
- Conor MacAdam, Never Run from Nothing but the Police: Neoliberalism, Selective Small Government, and the Collapse of the American Inner City (Marmura)
- Emily MacEachern, Returning the Favour: Understanding the Effects of the Life Course on the Father-Son Relationship, Male Caregiving and Alzheimer’s Disease (Phyne)
- Taylor DeCheif, The Contemporary Production of Death: The Emotional Exchange of Consumption (Cormack)
- Dayna Barnes, Leaving Youth in a Boat Without a Paddle; The Impact Atlantic Rurality is Having on Youth
- Lukas Knopp, Agents of Chaos: Towards a Technological Ecology (Bantjes)
- Jocelyn MacDonald, Don’t Kid Yourself, You’re Not That Generous - The Bread and Circuses of Charity
- Jillisa-Mae Skinner, “Where do you tan?": The Dialectic of Biracialism (Lynes)
- Hannah Davison, Conspicuous Busyness: The Privilege of Busyness in a Network Society (Mallory)
- Audrey Michaud, Travel, Colonialism and Issues of Justice: Unpacking the Neo-Colonial Suitcase (Lynes)
- Megan Innes, Culture and OCD: A Sociological Insight into Obsession and Compulsion, (Olstead)
- Cianna Dornan, "You just don't get it": The X-Ring as a symbol of Modernity, (Cormack)
- Melissa Horsman, Sex, Spirit and St.FX: An Ethnographic Discussion of Student Attitudes Toward Collegiate Social Culture, (Cormack)
- Natalie Cameron, Who Has The Power?; Constructing the Meaning and Definition of Older Adult Abuse, (Phyne)
- Panteleimon (Peter) Karambelas, Strangers and Intimacy in the Age of Networking (Mallory)
- Wan Li, Rethinking Cultural Imperialism: A Challenge to a New Era (Lynes)
- Janelle M. MacDonnell, Redefining Childhood Obesity: Ending the Blame Game (Phyne)
- Jill Matheson, "I'm the Father? D'oh!": Analyzing Modern Fatherhood in Animated Sitcoms (Olstead)
- Wenfei Yu, The Valuing of Women: Nushu and the Administration of Women in China Today (Cormack)
- Samantha M. E. Leonard, "Some of the Best Times I'll Never Remember": The Culture of Drinking at a Small University (Harling Stalker)
- James Alexander Trapnell Roddick, Discipline as Morality: Examining "Going to the Gym" as an Ethical Practice (Mallory)
- Ellen Taylor, Erasing the Feminine: Men's Experience of Self in Initiation Rites (Olstead)
- Chantal Aucoin, Like Mother, Like Daughter?: The Intergenerational Transfer of Knowledge, Skills and Values Related to the Division and Completion of Housework (Verberg)
- James Bray, Crude Reality: Contamination, Networking and Resistance in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Bantjes)
- Janine DeLorey, Made from Scratch: Unalienated Cooking Labour in the Capitalist Context (Lynes)
- Robert Joseph MacEachern, Mi’kmaq Moose (tia’m) Hunting (netukulit)and Community Relations (Bantjes)
- Ashlie Redden, The war may be over but the battles have just begun: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Reports (Olstead)
- Alexandra (Xandi) Danielle Capistrano, The Measure of Success in First-Generation Canadians in the Arts (Harling Stalker)
- Simon Taylor Coulombe, State of the Union: Marriage preparation as discourse of risk (MacDonald)
- Kendra Gottschall, Parental Experiences of Educating Children with Disabilities (Harling Stalker)
- Patricia Hoyland, Media and Moral Panic: The Social Construction of Paedophilia on Prime-Time Television (Olstead)
- Lisa P. Rankin, Don't Rock the Boat: Power Relationships within the Lobster and Snowcrab Industries of Mabou, Nova Scotia (Phyne)
- Jessica Ratushniak, The Photographic Self: Images as Altering our Consciousness (Lynes)
- Elizabeth D. Robinson, Media Deviance, and the Construction of Youth: A Case Study of the Nunn Commission (Marmura)
- Francois Sealy, Blood in the Machine: Configuring the Machinic and Organic Categories from the 18th to the 21st Century (Bantjes)
- Heather L. Capstick, Makeover Rescue!: Making Over the Makeover Literature (and Saving the Audience) (Cormack)
- Judith M. Hines, Butch in the Streets, Femme in the Sheets: Analyzing Gender Roles in Lesbian Couples (Examining the L Word) (Gottschall)
- Sarah K. Hughes, Femininity as a Commodity: A Qualitative Analysis of Feminine Gender Stereotypes and Expectations in Magazine Advertisments (Gottschall)
- Melissa M. MacLean, Youth is Not a Crime: A Case Study of Skateboarding Activism in Moncton, New Brunswick (Verberg)
- Holly Medieros, In Search of the Souls of StFX Folk: Living Under the Veil of Constructed Irrationality (Cormack)
- Erin L. Murphy, The Diamond Right-hand Ring: Unearthing the Connection Between Commodities and Meaning (Phyne)
- Erica H. Ward, To Elicit the Implicit: The Textual Construction of Blindness (MacDonald)
- Erin Draper, "Accessories Sold Separately": Fetishizing Barbie and a Deconstruction of the Secret Thereof (Gottschall)
- Amy Gibbons, Gender Dynamics of Paying the Bill (Verberg)
- Luke Leslie, A Problem of Discipline: A Sociological Analysis of Regulation of Student Behaviour at St. Francis Xavier University (Phyne)
- Jan MacDougall, Managing Specificity: An Analysis of the Governance of Disability in the Public Education Systerm (Lynes)
- Danielle Wiseman, "Identity Formation and the Commodity Form" or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog (Cormack)
- Ashley Young, Justifying Injustices: The Utility of Impoverishment (Lynes)
- Lenore Burke, Local Fishing for Global Markets: Herring Roe Production and Management in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Implications of the Japanese Seafood Market (Phyne)
- Jennifer Hines, Taking Money out of Their Pockets: A Standpoint Feminist Analysis of Single Mothers’ Experience with the Employment Support and Income Assistance Program in Nova Scotia (Verberg)
- Allison A. MacDonald, Wounded Workers: Narrating Injury in Everyday Life (Titchkosky)
- Carly E. MacDonald, Body-Knowledge and Identity (Michalko)
- Rebecca MacDonald, Racism in the Press: The Halifax Riots (Calliste)
- Patrick B. McLane, Geeks and Sociology: The Reflexive Imagination (Cormack)
- Jeanna Parsons, Searching for Revolutionary Consciousness: A Closer Look at the Role and Responsibility of the Intellectual within Society (Lynes)
- Gordon L. K. Pease, A Voice from the Panopticon: A Sociological Narrative of Contemporary Surveillance in the Town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia (MacInnes)
- Laurinda Tracey, Hot and Bothered: The Social Construction of Raunch Rap (Titchkosky)
- Katie M. Aubrecht, A Place for Possibility in the Demand for Difference: Examining Postcolonial Responses to Cultural Representations of Social Difference, (Lynes)
- Jonathan Francis, Mistakes: A Narrative Re-Doing of Self, (Titchkosky)
- Natalie Fraser, Consuming Nike: The Brand as an Extension of Commodity Fetishism, (Cormack)
- Erin E. Hynes, Calling Inclusion to Question: Storying Disability, Children and Inclusion, (Titchkosky)
- Sarah G. MacKinnon, No Means Maybe: How Sexual Dysfunction Drugs Re-Write Women's Sexuality, (Cormack)
- Sandra P. MacRae, Call Centres: Where Do Youth Fit In? (MacInnes)
- Caitlin Mulcahy, Organizing for Women-Centred Health Care in a Rural Catholic Community: How to ‘Push the Edge Without Going Over’, (Verberg)
- Colleen Wall, The Intimacy of Coaching and the Coaching of Intimacy, (Michalko)
- Shana Coffin, A Reality Check: Exploring “Real” TV as Insight into the “Ordinary” or as a Dramatic Construction of ‘The Culture Industry’, (Lynes)
- Mark MacIntyre, To Suppress or Shelter: A Sociological Examination of Young Offender Privacy and Confidentiality Legislation, (Davis)
- Barbara Barker, Manufacturing Consciousness: Consumer Identity in Contemporary Capitalist Economy, (Titchkosky)
- Katherine Kennedy, More Tino Rangatiratanga for the Maori?: A Contemporary Analysis of Aboriginal Fishing Rights in Canada and New Zealand, (Phyne)
- Sarah Kinnie, Understanding Relationships Between Scientists and Resource Users in Southeastern New Brunswick, (Phyne)
- Krista LeVangie, Adolescent Women as Active Media Users: Resistance and Its Limitations, (MacDonald)
- Elizabeth MacLean, Empowering Incarcerated Women with Holistic Measurements: The Ambiguity of Creating Choices, (Lynes)
- Terri Pitts, The Vagina Dialogues: The (W)Hole Bloody Truth, (Michalko)
- Doyle, The Social Construction of Hazing, (Michalko)
- Karla Henderson Carolyn, Which is More Heroic: The Princess or the Frog? Constructed Notions of Heroism in Literature Meant for Children, (Michalko)
- Faith Scanlon, Herstory: Women, Welfare and Poverty in Canada, (MacInnes)
- Donna Smith, Six Days at the Firehall: The Social Construction of Tragedy, (Titchkosky)
- Danielle Beaton, Talking About the Talk of Anorexia: A Sociological Analysis of Autobiographical Narratives (Cormack)
- Christian Dare, Freakery3: Questioning the Construction of Disabled Women, (Titchkosky)
- Angela Flemming, Reaching for the Brass Ring: The Consequences of Student Loan Debt (Jackson)
- Kathy MacLellan, The Contemporary University: A Case Study of St. Francis Xavier University (Davis)
- Lindsay McVicar, The Push to Know: Technology and the Discourse of Reproductive Certainty (Michalko)
- Joy Boyce, Alternatives to Incarceration: The study of Non-compliance and Discretionary Power (Lynes)
- Andrew Davidson, The Transition of Political Values: Exploring the Role of Higher Education and Social Class Background (Verberg)
- Meaghan Edwards, The Effect of the Devco Mine Closure on Families (Lynes)
- Jan Murray, Perspectives on Victim Impact Statements: The Case of Northern Nova Scotia (Phyne)
- Kirk D. Bailey, Adjustment to Widowhood, Support Systems and Psychological Well-Being: A Study of Pictou County Widows (Jackson)
- Wendy Chisholm, The Impact of Social Policy on Single Mothers: A Comparative Analysis of Pictou & Antigonish Counties (Phyne)
- Alison Leslie Fisher, The Bride’s Day? A Post-Modern Analysis of Gendered Identities as Reflected in Women’s Discourse About their Wedding Day (Verberg)
- Kelly L. Hannay, Post-Modernity to Virtual Modernity: A Theoretical Assessment of the Internet (Lynes)
- Dennis Murphy-Odo, Looking through the Educational Lens: University Student’s Attitudes Towards Mental Illness (Jackson)
- Kristine M. Cameron, Mass Media Construction of Ideal Femininity: How Media Representations of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana Reflect Cultural Ideologies (Cormack)
- Michelle Chisholm, The Impact of Court Decisions and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Police Activity (Phyne)
- Christopher A. Cook, Social Correlates of Religiosity (Jackson)
- William Peter Gottschall, Men as Success Objects, Women as Sex Objects: A Content Analysis of Personal Ads. (Davis)
- Tracey Marie MacMillan, The Overlooked Victim: Female Sexual Aggression and Violated Males (Lynes)
- Tracey Lynn Pye, Gender and its Effects on Punitiveness (Jackson)
- Alicia Van de Sande, Fear of Rape and Risk Awareness: Conceptualization and Measurement Issues (Verberg)
- Jennifer Ann Lavery, Racism in the Canadian Education System: The Experiences of Aboriginal and Black University Students Racism: Experiences of Aboriginal & Black University Students (Calliste)
- M. Kathleen Lumsden, The Effect of Gender on Self-Esteem (Jackson)
- Lendiwe MacDonald, Continuing Co-Operatives and Social Change (Jackson)
- Tammy Nicole MacMillan, The "Cosmopolitan" Paradox: The Portrayal of Women's Self-defense Violence Against Women, and Male/Female Sexual Relationships (Verberg)
- Shannon Francine MacNeil, Prison at Home: Electronic Monitoring & Corrections (Lynes)
- Tanya Elizabeth Trussler, Women's Motivation and Commitment to the Anti-Uranium Mining Movement in Nova Scotia Women's Commitment to the Anti-Uranium Mining Movement in N.S. (Bantjes)
- Dawn K. Whitty, Alcohol Consumption at St. F.X. University (Jackson)
- Myleta Rose Belleville, Talking Politics: Language and Gender (Verberg/MacInnes)
- Trevor S. Droesbeck, A Queer Silence: Exploring the Contradictions in Discourse about Homosexuality at a Small University (Fawcett)
- Jennifer Timmins, Is the Issue Choice? Women and the New Reproductive Technologies (Verberg)
Sociology Department
609 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5