Over the last two years, the university embarked on an effort to better define its story, to strengthen and codify the way the university presents itself to the public, and to build a brand architecture and vocabulary that will unify the university community. In August 2021, StFX completed the first iteration of its Visual Identity Guide, outlining the various protocols and usage rules associated with the university's visual assets. The guide is a work-in-progress and will continue to expand as new visual assets are created for the university's various sub-brands.
The web pages contained within the Visual Identity Guide section provide the campus community with easy-to-access resources and tools to help present a consistent visual presentation to all audiences. Click here to access a pdf of the Visual Identity Guide.

The Visual Identity Guide is a primary component of the StFX Brand Book, which is in development. Once complete, the StFX Brand Book will cover three key areas: our brand position and creative platform, including key messages and themes; the visual vocabulary used to express itself in a collective and cohesive way; and guidelines and samples of how these elements can be put to use to establish a compelling brand architecture into the future.