New Student Registration: Anthropology


The Department of Anthropology offers two 3-credit courses at the 100-level:
  • ANTH 111 – Introduction to Archaeology
  • ANTH 112 – Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology

Together, ANTH 111 and 112 provide the 6 credits of foundational course material for further study in Anthropology. These courses are required for a major, advanced major, honours, minor, subsidiary or pair in Anthropology, and may also be electives in any program.

Students should note that ANTH 111 is not a prerequisite for 112, so these two courses may be taken in either order. Students may take ANTH 111 in first term and 112 in second term, or may take ANTH 112 in first term and 111 in second term. There is no advantage or disadvantage in either case.

ANTH 111 and 112 are the minimum prerequisites for all other courses in the department.

Bachelor of Arts students who are considering taking ANTH 112, DEVS 101, HIST 141 and 142, and WMGS 100 may want to explore the option of the Social Justice Colloquium, which offers these courses in a coordinated format.

Course Descriptions

111   Introduction to Archaeology
Archaeology and physical anthropology provide a unique opportunity to examine the development of human society. With their long temporal depth, we can examine how humans, and their ancestors, evolved and populated the entire globe. The nature of modern archaeological and physical anthropological research including topics of hominid evolution, origins of agriculture, rise of state-level societies and First Nations archaeology will be discussed. Students will have an opportunity to apply this knowledge using real archaeological data. Three credits. Offered every year.

112   Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology
Socio-cultural anthropology involves the comparative study of societies throughout the world. Students will learn how societies differ from each other, as well as observing similarities among them. The course surveys traditional ways of understanding cultures while incorporating current insights and research. Topics include diverse political, legal and economic systems, kinship patterns, religion, forms of ethnic and gender identity, health and medicine, development and migration. Department foci relating to Indigenous peoples, development and general anthropology are introduced. Three credits. Offered every year.

Please refer to Section 9.2 Anthropology in the Academic Calendar

Click here to go to the Anthropology department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5