New Student Registration: Spanish


The Department of Modern Languages offers two 3-credit Spanish courses at the 100-level:
  • SPAN 101 – Spanish for Beginners I
  • SPAN 102 – Spanish for Beginners II

These are required courses for a major, joint major, minor, subsidiary, or pair in Spanish, and may also be electives in any program, other than the Diploma in Engineering.

These courses are normally minimum prerequisites for all other courses in Spanish.

A student who already has a base in the Spanish language may be permitted to register in a higher-level Spanish course, with permission of the department chair. Students who are interested in pursuing this option should contact the chair of the Department of Modern Languages.

Although students are permitted and encouraged to take courses in more than one language, they are reminded that only one language pair is permitted in any program. A language pair is 12 credits in one language.

Course Descriptions

101   Spanish for Beginners I
This course is intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language. Students will develop basic communicative skills in the target language, study Spanish grammar as a means to effective communication, express themselves in spoken and written Spanish, integrate their knowledge of grammatical structures and functions with thematically relevant vocabulary, and be introduced to the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Credit will be granted for only one of SPAN 101 or SPAN 100. Three credits and lab.

102   Spanish for Beginners II
This language course, in which communicative objectives are centred on personal life, and range from talking about family to narrating past events, focuses on past tenses, the use of indirect and direct object pronouns, and grammatical constructions with the present tense. This course continues to develop students’ writing, speaking, and comprehension skills through a variety of written, oral, and audio-visual activities that integrate cultural elements. Credit will be granted for only one of SPAN 102 or SPAN 100. Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or permission of the department chair. Three credits and lab.

Please refer to Section 9.26 Modern Languages in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the Modern Languages department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5