Development Studies Courses

Course TimetableCourse Registration

DEVS Core Courses

101 Introduction to Development Studies 3 credits 
201 Development and the Global South 3 credits
202 Development in Canada 3 credits
213 Gender, Development and Migration 3 credits
302 Globalization and Development 3 credits
303 Power, People, Planet and Profit 3 credits
311 Development and Social Change in Practice 3 credits
315 Gender and Development 3 credits
321 People and Development 3 credits
401 Theories of Development  3 credits 
405 Community Based Development: Strategies and Practice  3 credits
412 Internship in Development Studies 3 credits
490 Thesis 6 credits
499 Directed Study 3 credits

Cross-listed Courses

203 Climate Change and People 3 credits
211 Local and Community Development Economics 3 credits
223 Local and Global Livelihoods  3 credits
257 Canada and the “Global South”: Connections and Disconnections in the 20th Century 3 credits
305 Economic Development I 3 credits
306 Economic Development II 3 credits
352 Social Entrepreneurship 3 credits
354 Global Political Economy 3 credits
355 Global Issues 3 credits
371 Political Economy of Development 3 credits


Courses are three credits unless otherwise indicated. Departmental prerequisites will apply.


ANTH 218 Anthropology of Health & Illness
ANTH 223* Local and Global Livelihoods
ANTH 234 Introduction to Indigenous Studies
ANTH 310 Anthropology of Tourism
ANTH 320* People and Development
ANTH 323 Feminist Anthropology
ANTH 332 L’nu (Mi’kmaq) Studies: Advanced Critical Issues in Indigenous Anthropology
ANTH 415 Anthropology of HIV/AIDS
ANTH 425 Power and Change
ANTH 435 Advanced Indigenous Issues

Aquatic Resources

AQUA 221 Issues in Resource Management
AQUA 298 Selected Topics: Managing Water & UN SDGs


ART 300 A Cultural and Intellectual History of Canada
ART 344 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art


BIOL 221 Issues in Resource Management
BIOL 345 Communities and Ecosystems

Business Administration

BSAD 352* Social Entrepreneurship
BSAD 357 International Business
BSAD 358 Business Ethics
BSAD 366 Indigenous Business in Canada

Catholic Studies

CATH 341 Social Justice and Catholic Tradition

Celtic Studies

CELT 332 The Scots in North America

Earth and Environmental Sciences

EESC 272 Understanding Climate Change
EESC 273 Health and the Environment
EESC 274 Health Impacts of Global Climate Change


ECON 211* Local & Community Development Economics
ECON 241 Canadian Economic Prospects and Challenges
ECON 242 International Economic Prospects and Challenges
ECON 281 Environmental Economics
ECON 305* Economic Development I
ECON 306* Economic Development II
ECON 361 Labour Economics
ECON 365 International Trade
ECON 366 International Payments and Finance
ECON 381 Natural Resource Economics


ENGL 240 Literature of the Middle East
ENGL 248 Climate Fiction and Environmental Literature
ENGL 282 Literature of Global Justice: Human Rights, Asylum, Self Determination
ENGL 347 The Aftermath of Slavery and the 21st Century Black Literature: Reading Africa and the African Diaspora


FREN 361 Acadian Literature
FREN 362 Acadian Language and Culture


HLTH 301 Global Health, Equity, and Innovation
HLTH 421 Food and Nutrition for Global Health Equity


HIST 223 Black and White and Colourful All Over: Africa in the World from 1800
HIST 228 History of Maritime Provinces: Pre-Confederation
HIST 229 History of Maritime Provinces: Post-Confederation
HIST 233 French Imperialism
HIST 235 Introduction to South Asia History
HIST 255 History of Colonial Latin America
HIST 256 History of Modern Latin America
HIST 257 Canada and the Global South
HIST 283 Making Britain Great
HIST 303 The Working People and Social Justice in Early Canadian Society
HIST 304 Capitalism and Social Justice in Modern Canada
HIST 317 Canadian Women and Gender History: From Colony to Nation
HIST 318 Canadian Women’s and Gender History: Modernity
HIST 322 Canadian Immigration, Race and Ethnicity to 1896
HIST 326 History of Cuba from Independence to the Revolution
HIST 337 History of Modern Mexico
HIST 347 American Social Movements, 1945-Present
HIST 355 The Sixties: A Social History
HIST 360 Gender & Sexuality in Modern European Empires
HIST 374 The People’s Republic of China
HIST 462 Topics in Latin American History

Human Nutrition

HNU 405 Food Availability
HNU 421 Global Health, Equity, and Innovation

Interdisciplinary Studies

IDS 305 Immersion Service Learning
IDS 306 Service Learning: Theory and Practice


MIKM 205 Mi’kmaq Language II


NURS 303 Indigenous Perspective of Health and Healing
NURS 364 Social Justice and Health
NURS 486 International Health and Development


PHIL 333 Environmental Ethics
PHIL 371 Social and Political Philosophy

Political Science

PSCI 211 Comparative Politics of Western Democracies
PSCI 212 Comparative Politics of Non-Western and Developing Countries
PSCI 241 Business and Government
PSCI 251 Foundations of Global Politics
PSCI 252 Contemporary Global Politics
PSCI 291 Violence, Conflict and Politics
PSCI 306 Theory and Politics of Human Rights
PSCI 308 Global Justice
PSCI 315 Democratization around the World
PSCI 316 Dictatorships
PSCI 322 Atlantic Canada
PSCI 325 Indigenous Politics in Canada
PSCI 335 Human Rights and International Justice
PSCI 344 Citizenship, Identity and Diversity
PSCI 345 Women and Politics
PSCI 353 International Organizations
PSCI 354* Global Political Economy
PSCI 355* Global Issues
PSCI 358 International Security
PSCI 363 International Relations of East Asia
PSCI 371* Political Economy of Development
PSCI 372 Politics in the Muslim World
PSCI 391 Latin American Politics and Government
PSCI 395 Mexican Politics

Public Policy and Governance

PGOV 201 Public Policy Analysis
PGOV 305 Gender and Public Policy
PGOV 307 Science and Public Policy
PGOV 355 Learning from Disaster


SOCI 203 Gender
SOCI 207 Health Justice
SOCI 212 Social Dissent
SOCI 217 Race and Identities
SOCI 218 Social Inequality in Canada
SOCI 237 Social Justice
SOCI 242 Technology and Society
SOCI 243 Consumer Society
SOCI 247 Environmental Social Science I: Problems & Paradigms
SOCI 254 Experiencing Social Class
SOCI 309 Power and the State
SOCI 341 Sociology of Agriculture
SOCI 356 Power, Culture, and Identity
SOCI 364 Food and Society
SOCI 366 Coastal Communities


SPAN 255 Cultural Production & Human Rights in Latin America
SPAN 315 Hispanic Civilization to 1800
SPAN 325 Hispanic Civilization, 1800 to Present
SPAN 427 Spanish and Latin-American Literature and Cinema
SPAN 431 Topics in Latin American Literature

Women’s and Gender Studies

WMGS 203 Gender
WMGS 217 Race and Identities
WMGS 345 Women and Politics
WMGS 364 Social Justice and Health

Notes: *Cross-listed as DEVS courses. Other courses, not listed here, may be considered designated courses with permission of the development studies co-ordinator (selected topics courses or on a development theme or issue).


Development Studies

2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5