The StFX Alumni Association works hand in hand with the University and StFX Alumni Affairs to foster connections between the university and its alumni. This is done through ongoing communication, campus updates and hosting events, providing engagement opportunities that lead to the building and strengthening of relationships. 

Message from the Alumni Association President

Hello Xaverians,

Headshot of Michael Gillis
StFX Alumni Association President Michael Gillis '87

I am honoured to be serving as your StFX Alumni Association President and I am excited to take on this challenge and opportunity.

I retired in 2021 after a 30-year career in investment sales. Now, I eagerly look forward to giving back whatever time, talent, and treasure I possess towards serving you, my fellow StFX alumni. I am fortunate to be working with an incredibly talented Alumni Association governing Council of 21 highly engaged and diverse alumni from around the world led by the following executive team:

President, Michael Gillis ’87, Ingramport, NS
Vice-President, Maureen Duffy-Mason ’78, Yarmouth, NS
Treasurer, Heather Johnson ’93 ’94, Montreal, QC
Secretary, Sarah Comandante ’19, Calgary, AB
Past-President, Kathleen Sheridan ’15, Ottawa, ON

In the coming months we will be focused on continuing to execute our 2023-2028 strategic plan. Our plan is intended to strengthen our Alumni Association by aligning our activities to meet your needs, providing opportunities to forge connections, being intentionally inclusive, and showcasing the successes of our esteemed alumni.

We will not achieve our goals without your active engagement. If you want to keep your X-spirit alive, attend an alumni event in your city (you can find the StFX Alumni Chapter is closest to you here). Raise your hand if you want to be more engaged and active in alumni activities. We welcome all of you who wish to share your time, talent, or treasure to the Alumni Association and StFX. Together, let’s continue to raise the bar in the pursuit of Whatsoever Things Are True!

We look forward to connecting with many of you over the coming year and if you wish to reach out, please feel free to contact me at:

Hail and Health

Mike Gillis ‘87

StFX logo

StFX Alumni Association Statement on the Passing of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney

March 1, 2024