A top Canadian undergraduate business school 

It’s no surprise that alumni speak highly of StFX—they’ve experienced the uniquely superior education that the university provides. But it’s not just past and current students who sing our praises. Our uncommonly impressive reputation is also based on glowing third-party rankings. No wonder employers in Canada are drawn to, and think so highly of, StFX grads. 

student satisfaction rate
StFX students showing off their new X-rings

Our campus, our professors, our collaborative approach to education, and our record of creating successful alumni adds up to one thing—extremely satisfied students. Compared to other undergraduate schools in Canada, we score uniquely high on this measure.

in Canada in teaching students to think critically
A StFX business student studying in the library

At the Schwartz School, learning is much more than a one-way flow of information. Students are expected to be hands on with their learning—to debate, to work with peers, to participate in co-op or global exchange. This sort of experiential learning leads to improved critical thinking skills. 

in Canada for professors knowing you by name
A StFX business student in a classroom

You’ll never find yourself in a 300-seat lecture hall. Our smaller, more discussion-based classes mean your professor will get to know you. And your professor will be available for help when needed. 

in Canada for helping students gain skills for employment
Students in Gerald Schwartz School of Business trading room

Our approach to education creates professionals who are adaptable, independent, and resourceful. Exactly the kind of person employers find critical to the success of their organization. 

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