Chemistry MSc Program
Department of Chemistry Graduate Studies
The Department of Chemistry offers a research and thesis-based Master of Science program. The program requires a total of 36 credits, 12 credits of graduate course work, that is, the equivalent of 4 one-term courses, and 24 credits for original research (this includes the research work, the thesis and the thesis defence). A passing grade of 70 is required in each course and a general average of 70 must be maintained.
A candidate with a BSc Honours degree must spend at least one calendar year to complete the program. Holders of non-Honours degrees will normally require two years to complete the program. All requirements for the MSc degree must be completed within 3 years of initial registration in the program. Time spent satisfying prerequisite requirements will not be counted as part of the three-year period.
Normally, potential candidates must have the equivalent of our Honours BSc (see BSc Program Requirements at left) to be admitted to the MSc program. Potential candidates with the equivalent of our Advanced Majors degree will be considered, but will be required to upgrade their degree to our Honours level.
Please note, our graduate program does not have an open admission policy. To qualify for admission potential candidates must first obtain the agreement of a faculty member to supervise their research program. That faculty member will then help with the admission process and financial support. See the Faculty and Staff link for a list of faculty and links to their web pages.
See the StFX University Academic Calendar for general admission requirements.
Departmental Msc Regulations and Requirements
A) As soon as possible after acceptance into the program the candidate should choose a research topic in consultation with the supervising member of faculty.
B) The Department shall appoint a Supervisory Committee which will include, but not be limited to, the research supervisor and at least one other member of the Department.
C) Courses will be chosen by the student after consultation with the Department and/or the Supervisory Committee. The student is expected to attend all Departmental seminars.
D) Within three months of enrolment the candidate, in conjunction with the supervisor, shall submit a research proposal to the Supervisory Committee. This written presentation shall be the basis for a Departmental seminar to be presented within four months of registration in the program.
E) A thesis must be submitted based on the research undertaken. This thesis will be an account of the candidate's individual research, and must meet minimum standards both in the quality of content and style of presentation.
F) Thesis acceptance: The thesis will be reviewed by three referees chosen by the Supervisory Committee. These reviewers might include, but will not be limited to, members of the Committee (Please note this item is under review. The practice has become for the Supervisory Committee and an External Reviewer to evaluate the thesis.)
G) Thesis defence: This will take the form of a one-hour seminar and associated question period, in which the Supervisory Committee, and any reviewer present, will test the candidate's depth of understanding on subjects which are immediately relevant to the thesis.
H) Time limits: The candidate will normally be expected to complete all course and thesis requirements within three years of admission.
I) The thesis supervisor accepts the obligation to be available to the candidate for routine day-to-day advice.
J) The Supervisory Committee will meet at least once a year to review the candidate's progress. In exceptional cases either the candidate or any member of the Committee may call an emergency meeting.
K) The Supervisory Committee will be exclusively responsible for the decision to forward a thesis to external or other reviewers.
L) The award of the degree of M.Sc. in Chemistry will be based on courses, thesis and research performance. In particular, the Supervisory Committee, and the research supervisor, will attest that the degree candidate has met those criteria of original thought, flexibility, and independence, deemed necessary for a professional research scientist.

3060 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5