The Learning Centre

The Learning Centre

The Learning Centre (Annex 8A) is available to help you succeed in the following courses:  

MATH 101/102, 106/126, 107/127, 121, 122, 277; STAT 101, 224, 231;   
CSCI (128, 161, 162, 277)  

 You are invited to drop by the Centre during open hours to study and do coursework. Free tutoring in the courses listed above will be given to individuals or groups at specific times.  

Open Hours for Annex 8A (see hours below when a tutor will be available):  

Monday: 8am to 9pm  
Tuesday: 8am to 9pm  
Wednesday: 8am to 9pm  
Thursday: 8am to 7pm  
Friday: 8am to 7pm  

The Centre is staffed by a combination of junior/senior students in the Departments of Mathematics & Statistics and Computer Science. It is intended to complement the assistance already given by course instructors, and is in addition to the tutorial sessions.  

If you are seeking free tutoring, come prepared to maximize the benefit. Please consider reading the textbook, reviewing class notes, and trying the question a couple of times.  

Bring along your class notes, textbook, specific questions and areas of concern.  Tutors will not give answers to assignment questions that count toward your course mark but will provide hints to assignments and help you complete similar problems.       

Please note: 

  • Tutors will be available during specific times and specific subjects; please refer to the tutoring schedule at the bottom of page.  
  • Each session will be geared towards certain subjects. Check the schedule and note the subject in the tutor column.   
  • Security will lock the door at closing, so please be prepared to leave if asked.    
  • Pease check back to this site often for any updates or changes in the schedule.  

Hours start the week of Sept 11 2023

Please view the hours here 



Computer Science Department

103 Annex
2323 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5