
The Modern Languages Department offers many prizes and awards to recognize the outstanding efforts of their students. Being a recipient of one of these awards is a huge accomplishment and will be recognized by graduate programs, employers, etc.

French Prizes

First year students in French:

The Cecil MacLean book prize
Awarded to 2 students enrolled in first year French (111/112; 211/212,) showing outstanding promise in the study of French Language and Literature.

Prix Jean Babin
Awarded to a student who has shown outstanding ability and academic achievement in French 311/312 (a required course for the major degree in French) and who normally plans to further his or her study of the French language at St. Francis Xavier University.

Graduating students in French:

The prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland

Spanish Prizes

Every year, the Spanish Program celebrates its best students by awarding three prizes: the Grazia Wood Prize, the Embassy of Uruguay Prize, and the Consulate General of Argentina in Montreal Prize.

Grazia Wood Prize
The Grazia Wood Prize is presented annually to the best first-year student in SPAN 101/102. The name of the prize honors Grazia Wood, a long-time faculty member who taught Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages at St. Francis Xavier University.

Embassy of Uruguay Prize
The Embassy of Uruguay Prize is awarded annually to the best student in the Minor Program. 

Consulate General of Argentina in Montreal Prize
The Consulate General of Argentina in Montreal Prize is awarded annually to the best graduating student with a major or minor.

German Prizes

Ambassador of Austria Book Prize for German
German Consulate General Montréal Book Prize
Ambassador of Switzerland Book Prize for German

Awards for Excellence in German
Each year, the student with the highest grade in German 101/102, 201/202 & 300 will be recognized for outstanding achievement.

German prizes are sponsored by Canadian Pioneer Estates Ltd.


Modern Languages Department

207 Immaculata Hall
2360 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5