Academic Supports and Helpful Tips
University can be tough, which is why it is important to stay on top of academic work. If you’re looking for academic support around campus, check out these resources!
Campus Resources
Student Success Centre
The Student Success Centre (SSC) is located within the Angus L. MacDonald Library. The SSC is a place for StFX students to find free academic skills coaching, help on assignments, English language help, and a place to connect with subject tutors.
Tutor Registry
The St.FX tutor registry is accessible online via the Nimbus app (downloadable through Apple, or Google Play), a joint project of the Student Success Centre, the Students’ Union and the Gerald Schwartz School of Business. Students looking for a tutor may download the app and search by course or discipline. Click here for more information.
The Math & Stats Help Centre also offers free tutoring sessions.
Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning.
At the Tramble Centre for Accessible Learning, students with a documented disability can access help with program planning, study skills, time management, find qualified tutors and notetakers, find alternative formats for course materials, get advice and training on assistive technologies and access help with grant applications. The Tramble Centre also provides exam accommodations for students with a documented disability. The Tramble Centre is located on the first floor of the Angus L. MacDonald Library, Room 108. They are open between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Click here for more information.
Academic Advising
Academic Advising is a great resource to support students throughout their academic careers. Advisors help students to schedule courses, plan academic schedules, and ensure that they are eligible to graduate. Their services are highly sought, which is why appointments should be made in advance to prevent long wait times and to ensure that you can be seen. To make an appointment with academic advising, click here. Academic Advising is located on the 3rd floor of Nicholson Tower.
Office Hours
Professors at StFX are highly skilled within their subject areas and are direct sources of information for students' academic needs. At a university as small and as close-knit as StFX, we have unique opportunities to develop close connections with professors and to meet with them on a 1-on-1 basis. Visit your prof during office hours; they would be happy to help you!
Diversity and Engagement Centre
The Diversity Engagement Centre (DEC) was created by the university with the purpose of supporting traditionally underrepresented student populations. The DEC is home to the offices of the Indigenous Student Advisor, the Black Student Advisor, and the Gender and Sexual Diversity Student Advisor. For more information on the services provided by the DEC, please click here.
StFX Centre for Online Learning & Professional Studies
StFX Online provides degree, non-degree, and non-credit learning opportunities. Discover your opportunities by visiting their department website or by making an appointment with
Co-operative Education
StFX Co-operative Education integrates the relevant professional experience into a student’s degree through rotating periods of work and study. Co-operative Education gives you the opportunity to integrate classroom learning with relevant, real-world experience in the industry, government, social services, business and more. Students in the Co-op program have the opportunity to receive professional career coaching and to develop their professional resume and portfolio while getting a real-world perspective on different job types. Explore jobs that interest you - click here to check out the Co-op program today!
Campus Program Offerings:
In the past, the StFX Health and Counselling Center has offered a free 4-week program based on tackling procrastination led by campus psychologist Ivan Drouin; the program is beneficial to students who are struggling with procrastination and time management. They have also offered Mindfulness Meditation Sessions, and a Mental Health Literacy workshop called the Inquiring Mind. Check here for program information.
Peer Mentoring within Programs:
Check with your Department Chair, Program Coordinator, or Student-led Society to see whether there is a peer mentoring program available.
External Resources
Time Management:
Assignment deadline calculator - it can help you to break down papers, lab reports and assignments by making mini-deadlines for the assignment. Click here for more information.
Time Management Apps:
Flora - app to help complete tasks efficiently by minimizing phone distractions.
Focus - app to study in set time intervals (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a break.
Pomofocus – web timer to schedule work intervals and breaks.
Time Management Quiz.
See how well you plan by taking this short quiz.
Time Management Tips:
Click here to read about how to be better at managing your time.
Click here to read about how to overcome procrastination.
Note Taking:
If you are interested in taking better notes in class, follow these links to learn about effective note-taking.
Tips on note-taking.
Note-taking guide.
Study Tips:
A Top Ten List of study tips.
Study smarter, not harder.
Test-Taking Tips:
Check out the following test-taking tips compiled by StFX's Teaching and Learning Centre.
Purdue Online Writing Lab
If you are looking to improve your writing skills or to double-check your citation formatting, this is the site for you! Click here for more information.
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