New Student Registration: Bachelor of Arts and Science in Climate and Environment

Welcome to the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Climate and Environment!

First-Year Course Pattern

In total, you will be taking 5 courses each term.
CLEN 102 Introduction to Environmental Systems - 3 credits
ECON 101 Introductory Microeconomics - 3 credits
SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology I - 3 credits
MATH 106 or
CSCI 161
Calculus I - 3 credits
Introduction to Programming - 3 credits
Designated or Humanities Course See below for options
CLEN 101 Introduction to Climate - 3 credits
BIOL 112 Diversity of Life - 3 credits
SOCI 102 Introduction to Sociology II - 3 credits
Designated Course See below for options
Designated or Humanities Course See below for options

Designated & Humanities Course Options

  • In first year, CLEN students normally take 6 credits of designated courses and a 3-credit humanities course, in addition to their 21 credits of required program courses. You can take a humanities course in first term and two 3-credit designated courses in second term, or a designated course in each term and a humanities course in second term.
  • The lists of designated courses and humanities courses are found in the Climate and Environment section (9.11) of the Academic Calendar.  You will choose from the 100-level options on those lists.
  • For designated courses, students will often choose introductory science courses from BIOL 111, CHEM 101 and 102, EESC 171 or 173, MATH 107, PHYS 101 and 102.  There are also arts course options at the introductory level:  ECON 102, PGOV 101, PSCI 101 and 102.  It would be wise to take a look at the upper-level (200-, 300-, and 400-level) designated courses on the list to determine the courses there that will be of most interest to you later in your program.  You could then choose introductory courses this year that would serve as prerequisites for those upper-level courses that you plan to take in a future year.
  • For a humanities course, first-year students will choose from ART 155, CATH 101, CELT 101, CELT 131 or 132, ENGL 111, HIST 121, 122, 132, 141, 142, PHIL 101 or 102, RELS 103, or a language course (FREN, GERM, MIKM, SPAN).
  • It is important to ensure your course schedule is balanced between first and second terms. You want to have 5 courses each term, and not 4 courses in one term with 6 courses in the other.  So when you are choosing your final 9 credits or designated and humanities courses, be careful to schedule only one in first term and two in second term.
  • Feel free to browse through the First-Year Course Options by Subject pages, found in the Help and Resources section.  They will provide more information about the courses in which you will be registered in the coming year.
Questions You Might Have

Is it possible to take fewer than 30 credits this year?

If you wish to take a reduced course load, you should meet with an academic advisor before classes start, or during the first week of classes.  If you plan to do your degree over 5 years rather than over 4 years, there will be no problem, but you will still need to plan your program carefully.  If you plan to do a reduced course load for this one year only, and then take the normal full course load in subsequent years, an advisor can assist you with the best complement of courses for the coming year that will allow you to complete your degree within the four-year period.  This will, of course, require your taking spring and/or summer courses over the next three years.

Registration Help Centre

By Email Only:

The registration help centre will be in operation and will respond to email from June 10 through August 30.

Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Atlantic Time

For registration issues after August 30, please email the registrar's office:

Please include your full name and Student ID number in all correspondence.