New Student Registration: Diploma in Engineering with Bachelor of Science (3-year)

Welcome to the Diploma in Engineering with Bachelor of Science (3-year)!

First-year course selection for the Diploma in Engineering with Bachelor of Science (3-year) is completely prescribed.  You will be pre-registered in all of your first-year courses.    

First-Year Course Pattern

CHEM 121Principles of Chemistry I (first term)
CHEM 122Principles of Chemistry II (second term)
ENGR 121Calculus I for Engineers (first term)
ENGR 122Calculus II for Engineers (second term)
ENGR 128Engineering Design and Graphics (first term)
ENGR 132Technical Communications (second term)
ENGR 136Statics (second term)
ENGR 147Computer Programming (first term)
PHYS 121Physics for the Physical Sciences and Engineering I (first term)
PHYS 122Physics for the Physical Sciences and Engineering II (second term)

Your first-year registration will follow the first-year course pattern for the Diploma in Engineering (with the exception of the writing requirement courses).  This will allow you the most flexibility as you move forward in your three-year dual program.  You will complete the foundations of mathematics (calculus), physics, and chemistry, and will be exposed to the engineering discipline through the first-year core courses.

If you intend to do an optional concentration in mathematics or physics, or if you do not intend to do a concentration in your BSc, the above course pattern for first year remains the standard.  If you intend to do the optional concentration of Earth and environmental sciences, you should contact Academic Advising to discuss the best options for changing your first-year course selection to accommodate the necessary introductory courses for that program.

Questions You Might Have

1. What if I would like a first-year course load with fewer labs?  Could I move one or more of the standard first-year courses to second year?

You can definitely alter the "standard" course pattern and still complete the two programs easily in three years.  You should make an appointment with Academic Advising to discuss a course pattern that is best suited to you.  For example, you may wish to do your 6 credits of writing requirement in first year, rather than two of your ENGR core courses.  Or you may wish to take some open electives in first year (if you do not plan to do a concentration in the BSc).  You should keep your PHYS, CHEM, and ENGR calculus courses, to ensure that your prerequisites are properly set up for future years, but other requirements can be moved within the course structure.

If you do alter the standard first-year course pattern, you may not be able to complete the diploma in two years, if you were to decide later in your first year that you wanted to do so.  If you are absolutely positive that you want to take the three years to complete your program(s), changes to first-year courses will not be a problem.

2. What if I decide, at the end of first year, that I am no longer interested in the dual program, and want to complete only the Diploma in Engineering?

You are welcome to change programs at any time in your academic career, pending program availability and your eligibility for the program you want.  As long as you obtain a minimum average of 60 over your first-year courses, you will be permitted to change your program to the Diploma in Engineering for the next year.  If you complete the course load outlined above, you will be on track to finish your diploma in second year, as long as you take your writing credits in the spring/summer between your two years.  You can also choose to complete the diploma over three years, if you prefer.  (If you decide earlier in the year that you want to make this program change, you may apply to do so.  You do not have to wait until year-end to submit this request.)

3. What if I decide, at the end of first year, that I am no longer interested in the dual program, and want to complete only the Bachelor of Science degree (without the Diploma in Engineering)?

The three-year Bachelor of Science is not available as a separate credential outside of the dual program.  This BSc is available only as a concurrent program with the Diploma in Engineering.  If you were to decide not to continue with the Diploma in Engineering, and to pursue a Bachelor of Science only, you would be welcome to change programs to the four-year Bachelor of Science with Major.  You could do this at the end of the academic year, or partway through the year.  Any completed engineering courses would be usable in your BSc.

Registration Help Centre

By Email Only:

The registration help centre will be in operation and will respond to email from June 10 through August 30.

Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Atlantic Time

For registration issues after August 30, please email the registrar's office:

Please include your full name and Student ID number in all correspondence.