Major Program
Students who major in Catholic Studies must take CATH 101 and 102; 18 additional credits from the following core courses in Catholic Studies; and 12 credits from the designated courses listed below.
Minor Program
Students who minor in Catholic Studies must take 24 credits of CATH.
Catholic Studies Designated Courses
The following courses may be chosen as designated courses to complete the program in Catholic studies. Normally a student will take no more than 9 credits from any one of these subject areas. Should a student take CATH 331 and 332, only six further credits may be taken from the art electives. Courses are 3 credits unless otherwise indicated.
- ART 251 Medieval Art
- ART 252 Baroque Art
- ART 371 Italian Renaissance Art I
- ART 372 Northern Renaissance Art
- ART 373 Italian Renaissance Art II
- ART 435 Seminar in Italian Renaissance Art
Celtic Studies
- CELT 230 Celtic Christianity
- ENGL 207 World Masterpieces II: Medieval and Renaissance
- ENGL 388 Heroic Literature of the Middle Ages
- ENGL 389 Chaucer’s Contemporaries
- FREN 318 Classical French Theatre
- FREN 319 Literary Works of the grand siècle (Les Moralistes)
- FREN 410 Medieval French Literature
- FREN 415 Renaissance French Literature
- HIST 363 Reformation Europe
- PHIL 245 Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 361 Early Medieval Philosophy
- PHIL 362 Philosophy in the High Middle Ages
Religious Studies
- RELS 212 Christianity
- RELS 311 New Testament
- RELS 312 Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
- RELS 317 Paul and His Interpreters
- RELS 325 Early Christian Women
- RELS 363 Roman Christianity
- RELS 365 Spirituality in Medieval Christianity
609 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5