Normally offered every second year, the Model United Nations (Course PSCI 357) is an introduction to the structures, activities, and operations of the UN, the protocols and procedures of UN deliberations, and contemporary international issues and agendas faced by the UN and its member states. The course is built around student preparation for, and participation in, simulated UN deliberations at the Five-day annual NMUN Conference in New York scheduled for March.  

Note that conference attendance is mandatory, there are additional travel-related costs, and fundraising is required. 

The Objectives of the Model United Nations Society at STFX are: 

  • To spread interest in political issues at StFX related to the United Nations 

  • To expand the knowledge base of the United Nations structure and process 

  • To promote discussion on current security, economic and social issues affecting 
    the international system 

  • To provide a foundation for this society to expand upon 

Requirements for Membership in this Society: 

  • Courses PSCI 101, 102 (100) and 6 credits of PSCI at the 200 level (251/252 recommended) 

  • Interest in Political Issues 

  • Desire to discuss International Relations 

If you are interested in joining the Model United Nations Society, please contact Professor Youngwon Cho at  

For information on other Model United Nations Societies: Harvard National Model United Nations


Political Science Department

4th Floor Mulroney Hall
2333 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5