Welcome to the Diploma in Engineering!
First-year course selection for the Diploma in Engineering is very prescribed. Most courses are required and you will be pre-registered into those required courses. You will need to choose and register yourself in only one elective writing course per semester.
First-Year Course Pattern
In total, you will be taking 6 courses each term.
CHEM 121 | Principles of Chemistry I (first term) |
CHEM 122 | Principles of Chemistry II (second term) |
ENGR 121 | Calculus I for Engineers (first term) |
ENGR 122 | Calculus II for Engineers (second term) |
ENGR 128 | Engineering Design and Graphics (first term) |
ENGR 132 | Technical Communications (second term) |
ENGR 136 | Statics (second term) |
ENGR 147 | Computer Programming (first term) |
PHYS 121 | Physics for the Physical Sciences and Engineering I (first term) |
PHYS 122 | Physics for the Physical Sciences and Engineering II (second term) |
Writing course(s) | 6 credits from the subjects listed below (full-year or one in each term) |
Please note that the subjects displayed in the following table are also links to their respective pages on this website. If first-year, 100-level courses are offered in a particular subject, their course descriptions are displayed at the bottom of the applicable subject page.
Anthropology |
Art (Art History only) |
Catholic Studies |
English |
History |
Music (119 and 217 only) |
Philosophy |
Political Science |
Religious Studies |
Womens and Gender Studies |
Things to Remember
- One of the writing course options is a full-year, 6-credit course (WMGS 100). All others are one-semester, 3-credit courses. You are permitted to take either one 6-credit course, or two 3-credit courses in the same or in different subjects. The choice is yours, and is only dependent on your interests and what will fit into your schedule (and course availability).
- If you wish to take a writing course from a subject other than those listed above, you must first obtain approval from the chair of the Department of Engineering.
Questions You Might Have
What if I want to complete my diploma over three years, rather than two years?
It is certainly your prerogative to complete your program in this way, and the majority of students actually do choose this option. You should meet with the department chair or with an academic advisor to discuss your program plan. The normal first year course complement for the three-year plan is CHEM 121 and 122; PHYS 121 and 122; ENGR 121 and 122; ENGR 128; ENGR 136. If you wish to take a different combination of courses, please check with Academic Advising or your department chair.
If you plan to do the diploma over three years, you may be interested in the 3-year Bachelor of Science that is available concurrently with the Diploma in Engineering. See the engineering department chair or an academic advisor for more information and for program planning.
Registration Help Centre
By Email Only: nsr@stfx.ca
The registration help centre will be in operation and will respond to email from June 10 through August 30.
Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Atlantic Time
For registration issues after August 30, please email the registrar's office: registrar@stfx.ca
Please include your full name and Student ID number in all correspondence.