New Student Registration: Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Welcome to the Bachelor of Science In Human Nutrition!

First-Year Course Pattern

BIOL 111 Introductory Cell Biology - 3 credits (first term)
BIOL 215 Microbiology for Human Nutrition - 3 credits (second term)
HNU 142 Introduction to Food and Health - 3 credits (first term)
HNU 145 Introduction to Foods - 3 credits (second term)
CHEM 101 General Chemistry I - 3 credits (first term)
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II - 3 credits (second term)
Arts Subject X - 6 credits in one arts subject
Arts Subject Y - 6 credits in a second arts subject

Arts Requirements

In addition to the 18 credits of required first-year courses, you will choose options in two different arts subjects. Your degree will require you to have at least 12 credits in one arts subject and at least 6 credits in a second arts subject, so it would be wise to register in appropriate courses to begin fulfilling those requirements in first year. Your chosen 12 credits of arts will round out your 30 credits for the year, if you are planning to do a full course load.

Please note that the subjects displayed in the following table are also links to their respective pages on this website.  If first-year, 100-level courses are offered in a particular subject, their course descriptions are displayed at the bottom of the applicable subject page.

Take the opportunity to explore subjects that are new to you as you contemplate your options for arts courses. Note that all first-year courses in the Faculty of Arts are half-year (one-term), 3-credit courses, other than the intro course for Women's & Gender Studies, which is a full-year, 6-credit course. Most departments have two 3-credit courses (one each term) that together provide 6 credits of introductory study in that subject.  A few disciplines have only 3 credits at the 100-level.  See the Questions, below, for assistance with course selection if you wish to take one or more of those intro courses. 

When you choose your arts subjects, remember that you will ultimately be required to complete a total of 12 credits in one arts subject as part of your degree requirements. This requirement is called a “pair”, and in the science degrees is referred to as Arts X. (For the full definition of a “pair”, please see the “Glossary of Terms”.) You may decide, as most students do, to complete your pair in one of the arts subjects that you take in first year. To accomplish this, you will complete a second 6 credits in that subject, normally in third year, or in fourth year if you prefer.

However, if you find at year-end that you are not interested in taking more courses in either of the arts subjects you took in first year, you will not be required to do so. You will be able to try a new arts subject in third year, and take the second 6 credits of that subject in fourth year to complete your pair requirement.

So you can explore your first-year arts options risk-free! Take courses that you know you’ll really like, or be adventurous and try something new!

Things to Remember

  • When building your course schedule, be sure to begin with required courses that are offered in only one timeblock, and schedule other courses around those.
  • When scheduling your arts courses, try to avoid the O5 block so that you can leave it free for Human Nutrition seminars that are held in that block throughout the year. (This reference to “O5 block” will become clearer as you navigate through this website and begin to build your course schedule.)  However, if you have to use that block to accommodate your registration, you may do so.  Your registration takes precedence.


Questions You Might Have

1. I am interested in Development Studies, but there is only one 3-credit course available at the 100-level. What else should I take in the other semester to fill out my schedule?
You can take a 3-credit course in any of the other arts or science subjects listed above.  If you decide to do a pair in DEVS, you can complete your additional 9 credits in future years.

2. I am interested in English, but there is only one 3-credit course available at the 100-level.  What else should I take in the other semester to fill out my schedule?
You can take a 3-credit course from any of the other arts or science subjects listed above.  If you choose ENGL 111 in the first term, you can also choose any 200-level English course that is offered in the second semester, subject to availability. However, most second-term English courses are likely to be full before first-year registration opens, so this option may not be a possibility for you.

3. I am interested in Public Policy and Governance, but there is only one 3-credit course available at the 100-level.  What else should I take in the other semester to fill out my schedule?
You can take a 3-credit course from any of the other arts subjects listed above. If you decide to do a pair in PGOV, you can complete your additional 9 credits in future years.

Registration Help Centre

By Email Only:

The registration help centre will be in operation and will respond to email from June 10 through August 30.

Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Atlantic Time

For registration issues after August 30, please email the registrar's office:

Please include your full name and Student ID number in all correspondence.